Angel in trouble pt 2

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In been 4 months everyone is looking for Cas and I mean everyone
- the shadowhunters
- Scott and Melissa
- Derek and his pack
- Sam , Dean and Gabriel
- Crowley helps a little

Dani and Erica have gotten very close they hang out almost everyday to a point that Derek's used to her being over [ Boyd , Erica, and Isaac live with Derek] Dani gotten close to Isaac to. Boyd doesn't talk buch, but anyone could tell he liked her around. Derek wouldn't admit it he liked her around, too. She would light the room up and bring everyone together.

Stiles is doing better. The ringing stopped for now.

( I forgot to mention that Stiles does live at home and the institute. And Dani lives at the institute and sometimes stays with stiles at his house. Noah and Dani are close. Noah sees Dani as his daughter. That's how close they got. Dani was given a spare key to the house. )

Stiles went home to escape everything his dad's at work. Stiles has this weird feeling. ( he falls asleep)

Back to Dani

Dani " Oh, come on, Derek, are they the one you bit ? "

Derek " no I also bit Jackson cause he asked ,but he didn't show signs of turning . "

Dani feels terror

Erica " you ok Dani "

Dani " yeah I think it Stiles I'm gonna call him and see if he's ok"

Her phone vibrates
( Stiles calling)

Dani" or he'll call me. "
Dani answers
Dani " Stiles, are you "

Stiles " help" ever wolf in the room heard it and is worried

Dani worried " Stiles where are you"

Stiles " ..."

Dani " STILES "

Stiles stores responding

Dani put the phone on the table and grabs out her Stele, and did a trace.

Stiles on the phone, " Dani, he's coming for you he already got to me"

Dani " who"

Stiles "Castiel Dani, he's not alone. There's this lizard thing with him. Dani, don't let it scratch you. It paralyzes you, but I don't know for how long. Dani, you need to him hide now if your not alone, the others will be fine there, not the target hide. "

Dani glamors herself just in time
Stiles was right it was like the others weren't there. The lizard thing knew Dani was there it just couldn't find her so both left.

Dani waited for a few minutes till she unglamored.
Dani " what the hell was that thing and why is Cas try to hunt us "

Stiles " I don't know what lizard thing is, but I think Cas wasn't just tortured. I think uriel did something else, and whatever hid now, he can control him,"

Dani " Stiles, I so bad wanna say I hate your dad's side, but you and I both know my dad way worse "

Stiles " the funny thing is that not even my dadside it my cousin's "

Dani" hey Stiles oke day you Wanna just vanish for day cause I'm tired of this bull shit"

Stiles " I'm down . But can you come get me I'm paralyzed at the moment, and we'll can you just get to the house "

Dani" Were you trying to get in the shower when it attacked?"

Stiles " yeah "

Dani " Are you decent?"

Stiles " sort of "

Dani " I'm bring Scott "

Stiles " cool"

Dani hangs up
" Alright, I'll text you, Erica I gotta go guys."

Dani leaves, and heads for Scott's on foot. ( she doesn't have a license)

Dani arrived at Scott's and knocked

Melissa answers " yeah Dani looks for Scott hold on "

Melissa yells up the stairs " Scott , "

Scott comes running down the stairs

Melissa say bye to Dani

Scott " Hey Dani what up"

Dani " it Stiles he was attacked by something and he now paralyzed and sort of naked . I just talk to him on the phone he's fine but I don't want to see that"

Scott laughed
" ok lead me to him "

They arrived at the stilinski house

Dani " his room "

Scott goes up stairs
And finds Stiles
Scott " man Dani wasn't kidding "

Stiles " Scott just don't laugh until I'm dressed and on my bed please "

Scott does what Stiles asked well laughing

Scott " Dani he's decent "

Dani comes in

Dani " are you ok "

Stiles " my dignity shot but I'm good "

Dani " ok now what the hell was that thing"

Scott " What thing "

Dani " it looked like a lizard but it wasn'tit was so gross"

Stiles " maybe johns journal has something "

Dani " your basic memorize that thing Stiles if it was in there you would of figured it out "

Scott " maybe the argents there hunters "

Dani " and stiles come from a long line of hunters you can pose as one to get information "

Stiles " no cause then Argent would know about it being in town. But there might have someone that could or may know what this is "

Scott " who "

Dani " Bobby "

Stiles reaches for his burner (the venom is wearing off)
And clicks bobby number

Bobby " Hello "

Stiles " Hey Bobby it Stiles "

Bobby " oh hey kid what you need "

Stiles " I just was attacked by a weird creature it looked like a lizard "

Bobby " let me take a look "

Stiles " ok"

Bobby " does it paralyze it victims "

Stiles " yes "

Bobby " kanima , did it just appear "

Stiles " yes"

Bobby " do you an alpha in your town "

Stiles " yeah but he's only bit 3 people "
Dani " he's bitten 4"

Stiles " scratch that 4 we only of 3 "

Bobby " there you go sometime when someone bit they don't always become a wolf. Sometimes it depends on who they are some become an abomination "

Stiles " thanks Bobby "

Stiles looks over at Dani " so Jackson the lizard kanima thing "

Scott " unless this person was born a kanima like Derek was born a wolf "

Dani " Great so is it Jackson or someone hidden that we know nothing about. "

Stiles says sarcastically
" This is gonna be fun "

Dani " And cas what did Uriel do to him. We got to let Sam and Dean k own "

Scott " Stiles we have school tomorrow. How the hell can we trust ."

Stiles " we trust eachother and keep and eye out for anything weird "

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