Dark Kira

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Dani " we need to find out why Kira is acting this way"

Dean " I got someone we can ask "

Dean goes for his phone " hey Bobby, I got a question for you"

Maryse and Robert are trying to bring the power back on

Bobby " what is it Dean"

Dean " tell us everything you know about kitunas"

Bobby " why"

Dean " cause one is possessing Stiles and another just broken Stiles out"

Bobby " oh no"

Dean" what"

Bobby " a fox driven by strith, pain and fear. It called the Nogitsune's."

Dean" and the one that broke it out"

Bobby " a fox has a dark side when not kept in check could be very dangerous. We call it the Dark kitsuna."

Dean " So can we save them both "

Bobby " it gonna be hard, but yes. The dark kitsuna will be the easiest. You must find the girls weakness. Every supernatural creature has an anchor find hers."

Dean " What about Stiles "

Bobby " I'm not sure. The Nogitsune's is an evil spirit. That needs permission to get in. I have an idea I get back to"

Dean " ok "

The powered comes back in

To Stiles

Void stiles and dark Kira walks in to the hospital. Electricity going everywhere.

Void " Could you page Melissa mcall for me "

Electricity hit both

Void " I guess I'll find her my self"

Creep sound comes from behind both of them

Void " they don't scare me"

Mrs. Yukimura " You may not be afraid of the oni, but the shadowhunters will come for the host . And my daughter. "

Void knocked her out.

Dark Kira laughed and raised her sword, which dozens of electricity comes shooting off.

Dark Kira and void killing everyone in site.

The institute

Alarms blaring

Maryse " there an attache at beacon hill hospital "

Scott " my mom a nurse there"

Jace " let go now "

Everyone prepared for the worst

They arrived at the hospital

And void and dark Kira were gone but they found Mrs. Yukimura.

Maryse helps her up " are you ok"

Mrs. Yukimura " please save my daughter."

Jace " your Mrs. Yukimura "

Mrs. Yukimura " yes If you save my daughter I can tell you how to save you friend"

Alec " come with us "

They looked around and made sure everyone was OK .

They arrived at the institute

They sat down

Jace " we will make a plan to save your daughter, but we need to know how to save Stiles "

Mrs. Yukimura " The only person who can is the person who anchors him"

Jace " and how do we know who that is "

Mrs. Yukimura " find the one person who get under his skin like no other. Who he looks to first. Who he listen to with no questions asked asked."

Izzy " It's Derek, his Stiles anchor,"

Jace " do you know your daughter anchor that how we save her? "

Mrs. Yukimura " her girlfriend. Malia tate"

Alec " let find her now "

To void stiles

Dark Kira and void

Goes to the electricity plant and Kira draws the power and causes a black out.

Then they go to the one place that cause pain and suffering.
High School

Void just watches as they suffer.

The shadowhunters

Alec finds malia

And they have Derek

They prepared to attack at dawn.


Void sits there till school gets out that when the shadowhunter arrived. But they came with Derek and malia.

Void and Dark Kira try attacking but Derek and malia were standing in front of everyone stiles and Kira we're fight with everything they had.

Derek " Come on Stiles fight it"

Malia " come on Kira fight. Come back to me fox "

There fighting it as much as they can

Kira " malia . Ahahha"

Stiles " Sourwolf. (Voice switch) Hahaha."

Kira break free

Void " hahaha you think Stiles weakness was all it would take. Hahaha "

Derek face fell to worry " Stiles please "

Void " Hahaha Stiles can't come to the phone at the moment would you like to leave a message? Hahaha "

Oni appear

Mrs. Yukimura " I didn't summon them "

Void " I know you will protect him at all cost. There here to kill me "

The team prepares to protect void

But the onis disappeared

Izzy " who they hell is in control of the oni "

Jace " where the hell is The Nogitsune "

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