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Bobby, " I called you pack Stiles there on their way. They also didn't believe me so."

Stiles, " ya that normal. Let start training ."

Dean " ok "

All 4 walk outside

Stiles has his shadowhunter stuff, and the others have hunter stuff .

Sam " rubber bullets "

Dean " ok, Stiles, come at me."

Stiles raises his sword and charges Dean.

Dean conters the sword with his machete ( they have almost all they weapons out). Dean knocked Stiles swored out of his hands. And pins Stiles to the ground " Dead"

Stiles get off the ground

Sam " Stiles, yes, your shadowhunter, but you're also a hunter. Embrace both." Hands Stiles a gun loaded with rubber bullets.

Dean " come on, let go again. "

Stiles goes, walks forward, and thinks about his next move. He has his sword. But out of nowhere, sam attacks knock his sword out of his hands.

Bobby " You got hands and feet, kid use them. Yes, weapons help, but you can't rely on them when it life or death."

Sam picks stiles up. He had his hands around his waist from behind. Dean is coming at him. Stiles kicked Dean and threw his hand up it Sam in the face. Stiles falls to the floor.

Bobby " not bad. Let see how well you are at shooting. Shoot, Dean."

Stiles " What"

Sam " there rubber bullets it safe."

Stiles " ok" aim the gun at Dean and fires.

Sam " shit "

Bobby " pretty good"

Dean " Oh, that wasn't a rubber bullet."

Stiles " what"

Dean get up and punches Sam. " That was rock salt, you asshole. "

Sam laughed

Stiles, " You ok."

Dean " Yeah, I'm fine,"

Door bell rings

Bobby, " I'll get it."

Bobby goes inside

Open the door

The pack is standing there

Bobby " follow me"

The pack members that came are
- Scott
- Derek
- lydia
- malia
- Isaac

The walk out to the back

Scott " Stiles, is that really you?"

Stiles sarcastically " no Scotty it not "

Scott " Man, I missed you." they hug

Lydia and malia hug him

Isaac side hugs him and then gives him attitude.

Stiles " I so missed that Isaac "

Derek, wait till everyone is done. Stiles looks to him. Derek pulls him into a tight hug.

Stiles " Hey sourwolf "

Derek wolf calms at the nickname.

Derek, finally, let's go but stays close to Stiles.

Stiles " a wars coming to the shadowhunter world which does affect you, guy. The shadowhunters protect this world and keep it in check. If Johnathan gets in control, this world is doomed. "

To the institute

Alec " we have trying everything, Jace. "

Jace " Lilith bound Clary to Johnathan "

Izzy " were doing everything we can Jace. "

Dani " What about heavenly fire"

Izzy " Where would we find that,"

Dani " the clave they have it."

Izzy " let get it ."

To Stiles
Dean " ok so we're training so that we're all some what prepared."

Derek " ok "

Dean " Isaac, that your name right."

Isaac " yeah "

Dean " charge Stiles "

Isaac " can I decline "

Dean " why "

Isaac " he's Scott best friend and Derek's m-"

Derek hit him

Stiles " come on Isaac. Scott love you too much to hurt you and derek think of you like a little brother. "

Both alphas were shocked

Isaac knew Stiles had the moat pull in the pack, so he charged him. Stiles was holding his own. Fistfight, sword, and with his gun.

Isaac " You shot me,"

Stiles, " it not wolfsbane. You're fine."

Dean " assisted everyone with someone every with them, and every 15-30 minutes, they switched.

Well till derek got to Stiles, they were more flirting they fighting.

Sam " man, they remind me of you and cas."

Dean death glares to him.

Stiles holding his head and groans

Derek " stiles "

Dean look over to Stiles and ran over to him in a split second.
" STILES, what is it?"

Stiles, " it's Dani, something wrong."

Unknown " Stiles "

Stiles looks behind him

Stiles " Simon, what are you doing here "

Simon " your the only hunter I know ."

Stiles " Simon what did you do."

Simon " it was Raphael. He broke the acords. He brought back a girl that I killed by accident and now I'm her sir."

Stiles " ok a7nd ."

Simon " she's hunting the wolfs. She attacked the shadowhunters. She out of control. I can't stop her. She made me feed on my own sister. "

Stiles " What her name"

Hiss in the distance

Simon " Oh no, she here."

Stiles " really Simon "

Simon " Maureen, please "

Dean and sam look at each other. Sam distracted her

Sam " hey Maureen. Something happened to ya. "

Maureen launches at him and tries to bite him. Dean chopped her head off.

Stiles " What the hell. "

Bobby " nice job, boys "

Stiles " that the life "

Dean " yep"

Stiles " no thanks "

Stiles " I need a nap." Stiles walks into the house , and Derek follows.

Stiles knows that he's Derek's mate. And he knows he can calm Derek's wolf down with his voice. And he's find with that. More than fine with that.

Stiles lays in the spare bed upstairs.

Stiles " Derek, just get in the bed. I'm cold."

Derek got in the bed and pulled Stiles close.

Dani was training with izzy. Izzy got really mad and hit Dani in the face. She apologized right away.

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