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Derek went to the one person he never knew he would go to. Chris Argent.

Derek knocked on the Argents door

Chris answered
" hello Derek "

Derek " we need to talk."

Chris " about what."

Allison walks behind
" about how Aunt Kate groomed and saed Derek and had a kid. And found out the kid was a wolf and abused him."

Chris " I had no idea."

Derek " I know, but you and Allison are the only one she trusts. "

Chris " he's family kate I disowed years ago. What do you need."

Derek " help fight her."

Chris " I'm with you."

Timed skipped

The shadowhunter

Are preparing for the fight

Shadowhunters as in

Izzy , Alec , Jace , Stiles, Dani

The wolves are preparing by training

The hunters are training with the wolfs

Stiles is helping the others track kate and watches Aria run around the institute, but Stiles also catches Alec watches her to. But there look at her like a father would .

Stiles to alec " she adorable isn't she "

Alec shocked he got caught " what "

Stiles " come on, Alec. I know you want kids. Why not adopt."

Alec " Magnus and I are married, and we have madzie. Why don't you adopt her. She trusts you, not me." Alec walks away.

Stiles was shocked he never thought about it, but now he will be.

Izzy " anything yet "

Jace " nothing "

A scream echo through the institute

The team runs through the institute

They find Aria pined to the wall by a man.

Jace " let her go "

The man " not after what her father did ."

The team looks confused

Alec" what her father do."

The man " she not a product of love she a productof rape."

Jace " ok the not Aria fault let her go"

The man let Aria go and Aria run right to Stiles

Stiles picks her up, and she hits her face in his neck.

Izzy " Stiles get Aria out of here."

Stiles leaves with her.

Alec " Who did he rape"

The man " an iron sister."

Izzy stunned. " Do you know which one?"

The man "Mag something "

Izzy " Magdalena, oh my ."

Jace " izzy what is it "

Izzy " Luke sister killed her."

Alec " both her parents are dead."

Jace " You will have a punishment for attacking another shadowhunter. And the fact it was a child it will be a little bigger."

To Stiles

Stiles " are you ok, aria "

Aria " I'm good "

Stiles " your very strong "

She smiled

Aria " what your first name "

Stiles " does that mean I can all you ari."

She nods yes

Stiles " Mieczyslaw when I was little my parents called me mischief cause that was the closest I could get to saying it."

She smiled

Aria " and I thought my name was bad wow."

Stiles " your names cute."

Aria hits Stiles

Stiles laughed

Knock at the door Stiles went to get it

Stiles " Hey max "

Max " hey can I "

Stiles " come on in "

Max " Hi, I'm Max. I'm 9 "

Aria " I'm Aria I'm 8 "

Stiles smiled

Max " You want to be friends?"

Aria " sure"

Max and Aria hang out for a while. Stiles went back to the others. If Aria needs him, she always knows how to find him.

Izzy " we found something."

Stiles " what "

Izzy " remember where we found dani when we were younger."

Stiles " ya "

Izzy " so it looks like that basement thing runs in the family. we fact-check it with Chris. She is most likely there."

Stiles " let go."

Dani " I'll text everyone."

They leave

They arrived

Jace " looks the same "

Dani " shut up."

Jace " sorry "

The pack arrived

So did the hunters

Which includes Allison,  Chris and the winchesters.

Dean " let kick ass "

Jace " what he said"

They all go in fully armed

Chris finds kate

Chris " hello sister "
Gun aimed at her

Kate " hello brother "

Chris look up and sees at. Very injured Eli and a pissed Bobby.

Chris " that is your son and an innocent hunter your hurting. "

Kate " no I'm hurting a werewolf and a man that protected a werewolf. "

Chris " kate let them go or i will shot you"

Kate " oh please I know you. You can't shot your own blood."

Allison " no but will " bang

Allison bullet hit her in the lung.

Allison walks up to her " I adored you aunt kate, but I finally realized your a monster." Allison get up and walks away.

Chris is trying to get Eliand Bobby Unchained but not working.

Derek comes in and ripped the chains off.

Bobby is very weak. Chris is holding him up

Eli calapsed into Derek's arm.

Derek " Hi son"

Eli look up " Your Derek hale my father."

Derek " Yes, and I had no idea. Kate never told me, but if I knew, I would have come and got you. But from now on I'll always protect you."

Dean come in and helps Chris with Bobby.

The others were taking down her army.

They all walked out alive. Injured but alive.

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