the connection

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Stiles is asleep at the institute. He has been having this recurring dream of a girl who is 12 or 13 years old, screaming like she is trapped. One night, the girl screamed if there was anyone out there. The next couple of nights just help me. But last couple nights, Stiles just hears her whimpering in pain and hears a man screaming. But Stiles shot awake when he heard a gun go off and hear her scream. Stiles woke screaming and in a sweat.

Robert is on a mission

Maryse is still at Stiles' house

So alec , jace, and izzy went to cheak on Stiles

(Izzy and stiles are the same age, by the way, and jace and alec are 13 years old)

Izzy " You ok, Stiles?"

Stiles looks up and sees that all three of his cousins are in front of him, worried. "

Stiles, " I have an older sister. I don't know her aunt Maryse says she is in trouble. I've been having nightmares about this girl screaming out for help, and this last one, I heard a gun go off, and the girl screamed. "

Alec " do you remember the surrounding of the nightmares?"

Stiles " looked like a basement "

Alec" have you ever seen the basement

Stiles " no, but I've heard the man voice before ."

Jace " and who is it "

Stiles " Gerard Argent, he's the town creep "

Jace " we got a mission, but how do we get to Beacon Hills?"

Stiles " I remember the rune aunt Maryse drew to portal I can draw for you"

Alec " ok, let's do this "

40 minutes later

The four kids arrived at the Argents, and the glamored well Stiles hangs outside.

They did find anyone on the basement

But they found a place we're Gerard hangs out a lot and they followed him.

And found an underground basement with chains all over the place.

All four go in and are ready to fight

Gerard shows up, and jace and alec fight him

Izzy and Stiles, go look for Dani.
They find her and unchained her and get her out.

Jace and alec knocked out Gerard.

The five leave and get somewhere safe
But Dani to injured to portal. So Stiles had everyone follow him home.

20 minutes later

Stiles gets to his house and uses his key to get in.

And when the door opens, all of them are face to face with Maryse.

Maryse " What is going on, and who is that ? "

Alec " it Dani "

Maryse " Oh my angel," she rushed to help. " Well, talk about everything else later."

Maryse " Dani, can you hear me?"

Dani annoyed " yes "

Maryse to her kids " What happened "

Alec " Stiles told us about Dani and when he said she was in danger we did some research and found her in beacon hills imprisoned by Gerard Argent "

Melissa who been aiding Dani wounds " Gerard Argent are you positive "

Jace " yeah me and alec knocked him out "

Maryse " take me to were you found her I need answers "

Alec and jace lend her to the location.

Maryse found Gerard unconscious on the floor so she arrested him to question him later.

She used the portal rune and sent him to the jail in the institute.

Maryse and the kids returned to Stiles' house.

Melissa " ok, she stable enough to portal"

Maryse " ok, let go, kids " draws the rune, then pick Dani up

Back at the institute

Dani in the infirmary

The kids are together in izzys room

Maryse go to talk to them

Walks in to izzy room. " Hey kids,"

She sits down on the desk chair

" What you guy did tonight was extremely dangerous but extremely brave"

Izzy " really "

Maryse " Yes, but you're all grounded "
All "no"

Maryse " ok, you guy have fun remember bed time is in 3 hours "


Down in the jail

Robert " why did you have Dani captive? "

Gerard " cause I had never seen a shadowhunter before, so I wanted to learn everything I could."

Robert " were you find her "

Gerard " she wad hidden very well with a lovely family of wolfs untill I
Slaughter them and took her. "

🎶 This is the hunt 🎶

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