what was that

137 7 0

Alec,izzy, and jace arrived at Derek's

Izzy examines the body

Jace asked Stiles and Dani questions

Alec is helping the pack track. Melissa

Alec " ok, so it was most likely a shifter, so why call us and not the winchesters?""

Dani " cause the shifter has shadowhunter weapons."

Izzy looks at the weapons. " Alec, these aren't just any weapon there, dad's. "

The other shadowhunters froze

Alec shuddering " What"

Izzy " They have dad engraving and the marks from dad first fight with them. There his." Izzy on the verg if tears.

Stiles trying to stay strong " who would take shadowhunter weapons and give them to shifters. "

Izzy " There's only one person I can think of that would have motive. The Seelie Queen."

Jace " I got something on Melissa "

Stiles " what "

Jace " her location it far."

To Melissa

Come on, Eli were almost there

They arrived at a house

Melissa knocks at the door
" Bobby please open the door."

Bobby opens the door " who are you"

Melissa " I'm Melissa mcall I'm like a mother to Stiles. Please, we were being hunted. "

Bobby " get inside "

Melissa " thank you"

Bobby " who's hunting you "

Melissa " Kate Argent but she has an army."

Bobby " who the kid"

Melissa " her son. He's wolf. His is Eli hale. Son Kate and Derek hale."

Bobby " How old are you kid."

Eli " I'm 7"

Bobby " that would have made Derek 15 years old. "

Melissa nods yes

Bobby " I'll call the boys "

Lights flicker

Bobby trys calling the boys

Bobby " balls "

Melissa " what"

Bobby " line been cut " Bobby grabs a gun and tossed it to Melissa and grabs one for himself.

Melissa " were trapped aren't we."

Bobby " we fight with everything we got. Kid can you control your wolf."

Eli " enough "

Bobby " good use it"

Melissa ready with the gun and dagger.

Eli shifts

Bobby " let fight."

To the winchesters

Dean " anything Sam "

Sam " Yeah. Looks like it moving fast . I found it last location."

Dean " where"

Sam " it killed something a town away from Bobby's. "

Dean" let go"

They get on the road

Sam " let go check on Bobby he's not answering."

Dean " ok "

They arrived at Bobby's

Sam " something not right guns "

Dean " guns "

The boys get weapons and search the house

A woman screams

Dean run towards the scream

Dean " Melissa "

Melissa " Dean help"

Dean shoots the wolf

Melissa get up " Bobby and Eli they were taken by hunters. "

Sam " Who's Eli "

Melissa " Derek hale son "

Dean and sam look at each other, ready to kill for that boy.

A portal opens at Bobby's

Dean and sam and Melissa guns are up.

The shadowhunters and the pack walk through

Stiles " Melissa " hugs her

Melissa looks at Derek

Melissa " we need to help Bobby and Eli they have been taken."

Scott " Who's Eli "

Melissa looks at Derek. " Derek, he's your son. Kate's been hiding him and abusing him ever since she found out he was a wolf. Home hasn't been safe for him in years. He's 7 derek."

The look on Derek face broke everyone's heart. It was pure pain and worry.

Melissa " now Kate has him again. And that little boy is trapped again. At least he has Bobby this time. I only saw him smile once since I was with him. He's been through hell. "

Scott " let's do this for Eli and bobby."

Stiles " let go fight some hunters. " Stiles puts his hand on Derek's shoulder. Which calmed Derek.

Derek " let go save my son and bobby."

We're coming for you.

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