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Stiles and Allison arrived at the institute.

Stiles find alec and izzy

Izzy " we can't find Dani "

Stiles, " I'll find her." Allison followed him

To Dani

Dani, " No one hurt Max. No one hurts this family." Sword raised

Johnathan " Oh, you sure?" swings sword, knocking Dani's sword out of her hand. " Time to die, little sister," pulls sword back and pushes it toward Dani's.

Lydia in Beacons Hills with Scott and Derek " I need to scream "

scott " Who name do you want to scream?"

Lydia " Stiles "

Derek and scott really worried

To Dani

Stiles jumps in front of the sword.


Allison runs to get alec.

Alec came back to help Stiles to the infirmary.

Dani " it Johnathan. He's in the building."

Alec " Dani Clary whereabouts are Unknown. We know she is in the building."

Dani " get Stiles to the infirmary. Allison, you want help me with find clary."

Allison " sure."

They look

Jace comes running to the infirmary. " I got your text. Did we really lose Max?"

Alec " I never texted you." Alec looks in the system." Son of a bitch. "

Jace " what happened to Stiles "

Izzy " he was protecting Dani from Johnathan."

Jace " where Dani and clary. "

Izzy " no idea, but Dani has Allison with her. "

And explosion comes from the front of the institute.

They three run to the entrance and find Clary Dani and Allison.

Jace " What happened?"

Dani and clary, " Our brother happened . "

Dani falls to the floor, screaming

Clary " Dani"

Dani screams, " it Stiles , "

They all go running to Stiles. Jace picks Dani up.

Lydia screams from Beacon Hill, " STILES "

The doctor said, " I'm sorry he's gone."

Dani looks at her parabatai rune, or at least we're it was.

Max's wakes up an hour later.

Dani hid in her room since that day.

*He's a winchester they never stay dead . *

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