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Jace has Underhill in a cell

Underhill " I didn't do anything criminal "

Jace " really, seelie bond to shadowhunters."

Underhill " you have no evidence "

Stiles walks in and hands Jace a table.

Jace " Really, this security camera footage shows you drawing down the rune."

Underhill looks down

Jace " Stiles, send that to the clave along with a description of what is going on."

Stiles leave on does so.
He finishes

Phone rings

Stiles smiles

Stiles " Hey "

Derek " hi "

Stiles " how Eli"

Derek " good . Um, you wanna have dinner tonight."

Stiles " Sure."

Derek , how about 7? I'll pick you up. Will you be at home or the institute "

Stiles " institute see then"

Derek " see ya."

Stiles smiles

Alec came up behind Stiles

Alec " Stiles "

Stiles turns, " Yeah."

Alec " clarys awake and  the claves on the way."

Stiles " good to hear . Where Dani and izzy."

Alec, " they went out."

Stiles " ok. Jace is in the basement questioning Underhill if you need him."

Alec " Thanks. I do."

Alec head torwd Jace.

The clave arrived

Clave member
" Stiles right."

Stiles " yes"

Aria got scared and ran and hid but is close to Stiles.

Stiles knows she there ( table leg)

Stiles, " How can I help you?"

Clave member " Underhill "

Stiles " one moment "

Stiles walks over and gets Alec attention

Alec " What "

Stiles " claves here they want Underhill "

Alec goes to get the clave and lead them to Underhill.

Jace comes up
" Stiles,
we have a mission."

Stiles hangs his head. " Seriously."
1 hour till 7

Jace, " me you and alec have to take care of the army."

Alec comes up, " You guys ready?"

Both" yep"

They leave

And arrive at the location Underhill gave the clave

Stiles " holy shit"

Jace " now that an army"

Alec " that got to be like a 100 "

Stiles Jace and alec looked at each other. " Let's do this."

They took them all down

Stiles " I'm gonna take a week break after that."

Alec and jace " right beside ya Stiles "

All three have been beat up. Worn out and extra.

Stiles, " Let's get the hell out of here."

Both " agreed "

They got back to the institute

Stiles looks at his watch " shit "

Alec " What "

Stiles " I have a date in 10"

Jace and alec look at each other
" Let go." They pulled Stiles

They pulled him to his room
Push him in the bathroom

Jace " take a shower " threw a towel at him

The boys pick nice clothes for him

Stiles got out of the shower

The boys were talking

Stiles " can you leave "

Boys turned around and continued talking

Stiles shrugged

Stiles got dressed

Stiles " ok guys"

They turned

Alec " nice "

Jace " that will do"

Stiles mind, " they know something,"

Dani runs in with hand over eyes. " You decent

Stiles " yeah "

Dani " Derek here"

Stiles smiles

Aria comes in " Stiles "

Stiles " Hey, you wanna meet someone?"

Aria nods yes

Stiles " ok come on"

Stiles meets Derek in the main area of the institute

Stiles " Derek meet Aria "

Derek " hi sweetheart "

Aria would normally correct people, but for some reason, she didn't mind. She smiled

Derek got down on one knee and said, " Mieczyslaw Stilinski, will you marry me?"

Stiles smiled. " Yes."

Derek, get up and put the ring on Stiles

Stiles " Hey Derek, I know we have Eli, but can we add one more?" looks at Aria

Derek smiled. " Of course,"

Aria, huge both of them

Random shadowhunter " Stiles, you have a visitor."

Derek " I thought we had plans."

Stiles smiled. " it not for me. I invited him, but he is not here to see me."

Stiles " let him in "

Random shadowhunter leaves

Scott walks up

Scott " congrats to both of you. "

Dani " Stiles "

Stiles " Dani go on a real date with Scott "

Dani stunned

Stiles " Ari, I'll be back, I promise. Let go, Derek. "

They leave on their date.

Derek and Stiles got married and adopted Aria.

Dani and scott continued dating. They became inseparable.

And everyone helped set up the proposal

Everyone lives happily

The end

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