what your first name

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Maryse, get Stiles settled in

Maryse ,"  Would you like to meet your cousins?"

Stiles nods yes

Maryse " follow me"

Maryse leads him to the training room.

Maryse " children "

Izzy , alec, and jace beging to stop what they are doing
" Mother."

Maryse " Izzy, jace , Alec, this is Stiles, your cousin. Stiles, this is izzy and this alec and this jace. "

Jace, " to be clear I'm adopted were not related, but I'll still treat you like family."

Maryse , thanks for that, jace, "

Stiles " good to know "

Robert walks in

Maryse " Robert meet Stiles. Stiles meet your uncle Robert "

Robert " so it true "

Izzy " What true "

Robert " it good to meet you, Stiles. Wait, Stiles, your name is "

Maryse to izzy" your aunt Claudia passed almost a year ago we just found out "

Stiles to Robert " it a nickname "

Robert " What your first name "

Stiles " I could never pronounce it close I could get is mischief"

Robert to Stiles " is it Mieczyslaw"

Stiles to Robert" Yes, it is."

Robert is about to cry

Maryse " Robert, what is it?"

Robert " Claudia, name him after our father."

Maryse hugs Robert
Robert " he even went by Stiles to "

Stiles is scared. " Did I do something wrong?"

Maryse " No " bends down to hug him, but Stiles takes off running

Alec " Why did he run?"

Maryse " Robert, you should have seen what I walk into. It was a nightmare. He was basically taking care of himself and his father. I'm positive Robert that his father is getting hammered and hitting him. "

Robert " we got him now. If we find a way to bring his father back from the darkness, then we will, but for now, we have him he safe. "

The alarm goes off

Maryse " kids, you know the drill,"

Robert " Maryse, I don't think this is a drill."

Maryse " What, lightwood in formation.  ,"
The walk together armed and ready. But when they got to the location. The intruder was already taken care of by Stiles.

Stiles " Hey guys " looks like kicked the guy where the sun doesn't shine yikes

Izzy " nice one "

Robert, " ok, kids, get to bed. You all have school in the morning,"

All went to their rooms

Maryse " Stiles has Mundane school tomorrow "

Robert, " ok, just make sure you get him ready,"

Maryse " ok night "

The next day

Maryse wakes up and looks at the clock
" Oh my angel, Stiles,"
Maryse ran down the hall to Stiles room.

Maryse " Stiles time to get up"

Stiles " ok "

Maryse rushes Stiles to get dressed and off to the portal. They wall thru. Maryse is glamored.

Maryse, " When do I pick you up?"

Stiles " 2:00pm "

Maryse " ok, I'll be here. Have fun,"

Stiles walks to school and finds Scott.

Scott " Hey man, what up"

Stiles thinking they never said not to say anything, but I'm pretty sure I shouldn't. " Not much, man, how about you?"

They drowned out the world and started talking about random things.

Teacher " Mr. Stilinski and Mr. Mccall is there something you'd like to share."

Stiles " no miss"

Teacher " ok then pay attention "

Time skipped

Stiles walks the halls and spots a photo on the wall it of his mother. Will another guy wonder who.

Is it just Claudia that had secrets. Does Noah have secrets.

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