Girls/boys night

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Dani is walking to ask Stiles a question, but she walks into
Alec , jace , Stiles and scott
Goofing off and making inappropriate jokes.

Dani backed up and headed to Izzys room.

Dani knocked

Izzy opened the door

Izzy " Hey, cuz, what up?"

Dani " we need a girls' night"

Izzy laughed. " How many times have you walked into their weird boy den, which is one of their bedrooms?"

Dani " to many "

Izzy , let go out. I'm picking your clothes, "

Dani and izzy head to a bar

The boys

Jace and alec are gonna hang out together.

Scott has plans to help his mom with something.
And Stiles has to help his dad with something.

Derek already went home hours ago

Stiles and scott leave together.
They get to Scott house then they depart from each other.

Stiles walks about a block home.
Stiles hears a loud car pull up across the street and park. When he looked, it was a blue truck. Stiles started to walk faster to his house cause he's getting that feeling.
A man gets out of the truck.
Stiles picks up the pace cause he sees his weapon he's hiding.
Man, crossing the street

Man " Stiles "

Stiles stops but then takes off running.
The man runs after him.

Man, " stop running , " takes out gun
Man, " I'm warning you, kid stop, "

Stiles dad is not home, so Stiles runs towards the woods.

Stiles " DEREK"

the man fires his gun

Stiles runs further into the woods but closer to Derek

Stiles " DEREK"

The man fired his gun again, but thia time he hit stiles in the arm.

Stiles " AHAHAHAH"

Stiles tries to run faster

The man shoots again and hits Stiles in the leg, which caused him to fall

Stiles tries to move away from the man

Stiles " what do you want "

The man aims the gun at Stiles face

Stiles looks at the man closely he seen his face before but not in reality in the world Gabriel sent him in.

Stiles " Uncle John "

John hit stiles with the gun, knocking him unconscious

1 and a 1/2 days later

The institute

Jace walks up to alec, izzy, Dani " hey have you guy heard from Stiles I'm getting worried "

All " no nothing "

Izzy " I'll call Scott "

Alec " I'll call noah"

Scott " Hey izzy "

Izzy " have you seen Stiles "

Scott " he not at the institute. I haven't seen him since the last time I was there "

Izzy " thanks were looking for him "

Scott " im on my way I'm helping "

Noah " what up alec "

Alec " have you seen Stiles "

Noah " no he bailed on help me when he told me he would. So no I haven't why"

Alec " cause no one has heard or see him in almost 2 days "

Noah " oh my god ( voices lasted with worry ) do you need any help "

Alec " not yet but we will keep you updated I got to go"

Scott arrives

Izzy " so your the last person to see him Scott what do you remember "

Scott " he walked me home then I went in he walked not even a block away to his house"

Jace " ok will find him "

All searching ( Scott doesn't have full control of the wolf to find stiles sent)

They have tried everything for a shadowhunter

Izzy " Scott do you know we're Derek lives cause he may be able to help"

Scott " yeah lets go"

They arrive at Derek's house ( loft)

It has been destroyed like a tornado hit.

Alec " he guys we have a problem " holds up a bolt that lasted with wolfsbane

Jace " hunters "

Izzy " looks like Derek been hit. " ( fresh blood )

Alec " were is Dani "

Dani walks in " They don't just have Derek. I found this outside " holds a a bolet a normal on

Jace " normal bolet for Stiles, wolfsbane one for Derek they were targeted but by who"

🎶 were coming after you
This is the hunt 🎶

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