the funeral

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Cas appears back to the winchester Brothers with stiles.

Dean " Hey kidda "

Stiles " Hey Dean "

Sam ruffles stiles hair

Stiles " seriously Sam my hair. "

Sam " Yeah, I remember when you were 9 turning 10 now, you will be turning 18 soon."

Dean " You might wanna hide those."
Referring to his runes

Stiles " why"

Sam " John's here "

Stiles, without hesitation, hides his runes" great"

Stiles recognizes someone in the crowd. " I'll be right back."

Dean " ok"

Stiles walk over to the crowd. " Allison "

Allison head shot up " Stiles."

Stiles " What are you doing here?"

Allison, " I could ask you the same thing, Stiles. This is a hunters funeral. Why are you here."

Stiles now realizes he has never told the pack about Sam and Dean. He only told his cousins and his sister. Oh shit.

Allison " Stiles, you know why I'm here. Why are you here."

Dean walks up behind Stiles. " I invited him,"

Allison " How do you know Stiles "

Dean " he's my cousin "

Stiles smiles at Allison

Allison " you're related to tye winchesters"

Stiles " yeah "

Allison , "why didn't you say anything? "

Stiles " I forgot to mention it my bad"

Allison " seriously "

The funeral starts.
Ellen and Jo are wrapped up and are sitting on wood.
Sam , Dean, and Chris lit the wood on fire 🔥.

Everyone said a few words

Everyone but the winchesters brothers, the Argents and stiles remained.

Chris is looking back on every hunt him and Ellen went on together. " bye Ellen"

Sam and Dean are looking back on every hunt both Ellen and Jo went on. And the first day, they met." Fine peace "

Stiles is looking back at how Ellen used to treat him like a son. And how him and jo went on a secret hunt. The winchester Brothers caught them, but they had fun. " I'll miss you both every day. "

Allison is looking back on how her and Jo met. She was trying to get information from Ellen ,but found Jo first. They became friends. They went on dozens of hunts together without anyone knowing. " I'll miss you, partner."

Stiles phone goes off it alec

Stiles steps away

Stiles tried to sound like he wasn't crying" hello."

Alec " Stiles "

Stiles " yeah"

Alec " it max he was attacked from the inside the institute. "

Stiles " What"

Alec " it bad really bad. The doctor said he may not wake up. Stiles that not all dani's missing. The camera shoe she still in the building but we can't find her. We believe the person that attacked Max has her. "

Stiles " I'm on my way."

They both hang up.

Stiles goes behind Dean and sam. " I have to go it Dani she in trouble "

Sam and Dean look at each other. " Need any help . "

Allison walks up to Stiles. " he got me,"

Stiles smiles. " I got her if I need you. I call."

Dean " ok bye good luck "

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