back to the institute

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Derek and Stiles arrive outside of the institute. Without Cas

Stiles " seriously, oh, I'm so done. Mom secret I can handle, but my dad, oh my god, I can't ."

Derek " sorry stiles "

Stiles " thanks Derek but my mom secret I haven't been nearly killed repeatedly. My dad, I have "

Derek " stiles, I understand. Let go in so we're safe. "

Stiles grabs Derek's hand and walks in

Guard " Stiles " alerts Maryse

Maryse comes around the corner Robert not far behind.

Maryse " Stiles " hugs him

Robert " What happened?"

Stiles " My uncle John happened "

Derek said, " Then his family friend came to save us."

Maryse, " You two have been missing for a month."

Derek and stiles in shock

Time skipped

Derek went home

Stiles had to go to school

Scott is having trouble controlling his wolf

Stiles and scott are in class

They have a new student
Teacher " This is Allison Argent. You may take a seat, Allison. "

Scott hands Allison a pen

Later that day

Scott walked down the hall and stopped
And looks around
Stiles " what "
Scott " There is another wolf in here,"

Stiles looks around

Scott and Stiles walk to the locker room.

Scott " it in here, but who "

Stiles " so he's on the team "

( Yes, it is season 1, but I'm introducing Isaac early cause we didn't get enough of him. "

Scott " I have an idea."

Stiles " Oh no."

Scott startes play lacrosse and tackles every player, and spells them.

Stiles " Oh my god "

Coach leads over bench to talk to Stiles, " What your idiot friend doing?"

Stiles " god, I wish I knew."

Scott takels Danny

Stiles runs fast to get to Scott to get him off of Danny.

Coach " Mccall WTH are you doing "

Stiles " Why you takal Danny everyone loves Danny now everyone hates you "

Scott and Stiles leave the Feild

It lunch

All of a sudden, a hot blonde walks in like a model

Lydia leans on Stiles and scott table and says, " Who the hell is that ?

Izzy has been texting Stiles all day. But Stiles has been ignoring her text and alec and jace and Dani's.

Scott " Stiles, you need to see this."

Stiles " the alpha that attacked us that it "

Scott " Yeah, Derek killed it . And became an alpha. "

Stiles " two new werewolfs after Derek became an alpha that not a coincidence"

Scott " he only trusts you stiles "

Stiles " Oh come on, you're asking me to confront him."

Scott " yeah"

Stiles " I hate you "

Stiles drives out to Derek's loft

Stiles knocked

A girl answered

Stiles " who are you"

The girl " wow Stiles I haven't changed that much"


The girl " It Erica "

Stiles " Oh "

Eric's " come on in"

Stiles walks in to see Boyd and Isaac, then Derek.

Derek " hey Stiles "

Stiles " really Derek turning teens "

Derek " I saved their life "

Erica " I had seizure everyday , the bit saved me every seizure was deadly "

Boyd " I had no one now I have a pack"

Isaac " my dad put me in a freezer my whole childhood now I have a safe place to come home to"

Stiles " ok "

Derek " Scott also a part of my pack "

Stiles " Scott stubborn Der- " Stiles has a bad feeling. Then he hears a loud ringing. Stiles covers his hears and falls to the floor.

Derek " stiles "

Only certain shadowhunters can hear an angel scream for help.

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