the safe place

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Derek and Stiles are thrown into a random place by Cas, but was it random.

Stiles looks around. " Where the hell are we?"

Derek " no clue but I at least know your family looking for you "

Stiles looks at Derek. " How do you know that?"

Derek " we were held captive for a week stiles "

Stiles " what "

A woman " did you guys just appear out of thin air"

Stiles " no "

The lady " I'm sure of it "

Stiles gaslighting the hell out of her

The lady said, " I know what I saw and tell you werewolf he stinks. You're in a vampire town. Good luck. "

Lady walks away

Stiles " so it like beacon hills except with vampire great"

Derek said, " Hey lady, where are we exactly?"

The lady " My name is Sarah, and you're in Whitechapel, Ontario."

Stiles " ok thanks Sarah " Sarah leaves

Derek " why you send her away I had more questions "

Stiles " Derek Whitechapel, Ontario . Sarah, oh God, I think I know we're Cas sent us. "

Derek said, " Well were."

Stiles " The show my babysitter's a vampire "

Derek " you godda be kidding me "

Stiles " look " Sarah, the girl that just walked away, showing her fangs in a threatening pissed off way to a blonde boy. The blonde boy looks offended, not scared.

Derek ," What the hell?"

Out of nowhere, " hi, I've never seen you in town before."

Stiles mind, oh God, Erica

Derek " were just passing through "

Erica looks at Derek hisses with her fangs out, " You smell like a wolf .

Benny " hey " steps in front of Erica " he's scared shirtless of her yet is trying to stop her"

Erica " it a wolf benny "

Benny, " and I get it, but let find out why there here."

Rorys voice comes from above " Rory in the house," falls and hits the ground

Ethan walks up and helps rory. " Come on, rory,"

Sarah walks up

Eric " you don't belong here "

Stiles " we were sent he to hid for a while a hunter was trying to kill us "

Sarah " guys what the harm of letting them stay they can help us when needed "

Benny " ok, fine, but I'm watching you both."

Derek whispers to Stiles. " he reminds me of you,"

Stiles punches him

Erica , are you too dating? "

Stiles and Derek look at each other and say, " No, why do you think?"

Erica, I listen to you to have some weird tension, so it gonna happen at some point . "

Stiles " I don't think so."

Derek " I'm not Gay "

Sarah " fight it all you want, but she always right about this stuff. " Sarah and Ethan stand closer together ❤️

Benny " were sorry to ask this, but we have this weird vampire car killing people can we will love some help "

Stiles and Derek smile at each other

Stiles " I'm good with research and were both good with Feild work like fighting "

Ethan " so is that a yes"

Derek, " we need a distraction, so yeah,"

They jump right in

In 30 minutes to an hour, Stiles found out that the car was hunting down a family line . So they found the next on the is and got his blood and went to work. And set the trap.

The car came right for the blood, and all of them kept passing the blood cause they didn't wanna be cased. Somehow, the human Ethan got the vial.

But Ethan got it flipped and killed the thing with everyone's help.

Everyone went back to Ethan, had pizza, and fell asleep.

They all woke up in the morning and cas was there ready to take them back.

Derek and stiles said goodbye to everyone and cas took them back to their reality.

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