where are they

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The pack has looked day after day trying to find Eric's and Boyd. The pack as in Derek , isaac, and scott.

Stiles phone rings
Dean calling

Stiles " Dean "

Dean " Stiles, I don't have much time, but I think that theory the girl gave you is true. I think that uriel has control of not only Cas but the alpha pack . But the kanima, I don't understand that. You need to find the banshee the girls right she can help her scream could break them free "

Stiles " could, your not certain "

Dean " No, but she still very powerful, she'll be useful, I gotta go find her "

Dean hangs up

Stiles " Well, we can see if she goes to our school. Dani will see if she is at the institute. And derek ( Derek raises his eyes brows), look around town, and see if you can find the banshee. Let go scott."

They leave head to school

They arrived

Scott " you told Derek what to do, and by the looks of Danis texts, he's listening . "

Stiles " I know you were out of it scott but when we got you and derek to the institute I was the only person he listen to so I knew he'd listen to me I just don't know why he does."

Scott " Hey ( hits Stiles arm ) get what coming up"

Stiles " my birthday day ya"

Scott " No, don't go down that road Stiles we're celebrating just like we celebrated my 17th Stiles " ( arms crossed )

Stiles " but all the shit that is going on "

Scott " we'll find time "

Stiles and scott continue to walk to class
They arrived to class and sat down

Coach " alright cupcakes let get started . Has anyone seen Lydia Martin. "

Class " No"

Stiles started to get this weird feeling he brushed it off. But the feel got worse.

Stiles raises his hand

Coach " Yes, Mr Stilinski "

Stiles " Can I use the bathroom?"

Coach " yeah "

Stiles leaves class

He walked to the bathroom but stopped when he saw Lydia standing in the parking lot.

He walked out to the parking lot and saw Lydia standing over a dead body

Lydia " Stiles, I just found him like this. "

Stiles " You're the banshee."

The lizard comes running up behind Stiles

Lydia pushes Stiles and screams

Scott in class, covering his ears

Lydia " Jackson, please "

Lydia stops for a breath, and the kanima takes that to his advantage.
An arrow hit him.

They archer shoot of more arrows. She ran out and reached for her gun, but the kanima was faster. Before the kanima could get to her, he was attacked by scott.
Scott gets thrown. Kanima goes in for a kill shot, but he realizes he's surrounded.
Lydia was ready to scream if he made a move toward scott
Stiles sword out, ready to fight
Allison gun up and ready if needed.
Kanima realizes he was surrounded by a pack.

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