stiles is in trouble

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Stiles is fighting with all his strength against this alpha werewolf. Till the other wolf attacked from behind but it didn't take long for the alpha to chuck the bata into a tree.
That when Stiles grabbed Scott dagger and is and stood his ground.

Stiles " come on "

The wolf charges at him .
Stiles took off running cause he knew he had no chance. Stiles was using his endurance rune, but still, he was tired, but the wolf wasn't slowing down. Out of nowhere, an arrow struck the wolf. Stiles looked up and saw alec. izzy , jace, and Dani come from the shadows.

Stiles, " Man, it good to see you guys. Scott, he's hurt it bad. "

Izzy takes off running to scott

Alec, get down and meet up

Jace his helping Stiles walk

Dani and alec are meeting up with izzy .

Dani " alec over here " Dani hovering over the wolf that protected Stiles.

Alec comes to her side

Dani tries to put pressure on the wond by the wolf grows and flash its eyes.

Alec said, " hey were try to help you." Wolf growls

Jace and Stiles approach behind

Stiles see the wolf

Stiles reaches for alec
Alec takes him and helps him

Stiles, " you protected me. You helped me now let my family help you. "

The wolf let Dani and jace lift him up to bring him to the institute to help him.

Izzy man handles Scott with a little help from alec.

They are on the way to the institute

They arrived

Alec yells out, " we need doctors now."

Medical professionals come running
And take Scott and the wolf.
And a nurse takes Stiles to check him out.

Maryse " What happened?"

Alec " wolf attacked "

Maryse, " and you brought the wolf here."

Alec " No, the wolf that we brought here protected Stiles and scott from the other wolf "

Maryse, " ok, did you kill the wolf?"

Alec " no clue "

Maryse " is Stiles and scott ok."

Alec " Stiles is awake he being checked out, and scott is unconscious he's hurt bad. Mom, he was bitten. "

Maryse " I'll call mother "

           Back to Stiles
The nurse " you have a mild concussion but other then that you should be fine"

Stiles walks out of the room, but his head hurts, the room begins to spin

Dani happy  " Stiles "
Smile falls, she feels what he feels. " Little brother, please ," she pleads . Stiles begins to fall. Dani catches him in time

Dani " I need some help here," a new nurse comes over and exams him.
Nurse " he's gotta a severe concussion. Why is he walking around like this?"
Nurse, get him up . Well, dani activates his healing rune, and then he  gets  on a gurney ( hospital bed).

Dani follows the nurse, but she stops her
Nurse " only family "
Dani with announced and SAS " I'm his older sister "
Nurse " my apologies "

Nurse get him to a room. " I don't understand why his wounds won't heal"

Maryse walks in " oh my angel "

Nurse " only family, please "

Maryse sounds like she gonna murder someone. " I'm he's aunt "

Nurse " my apologies "

Nurse steps out

Dani " his wounds won't heal"

Maryse " Scott may be his best friend but a brothers bound they the one they have can be powerful "

Dani " so your saying he's not healing cause Scott's hurt "

Maryse " Yes "

Beep beep

Doctor comes running in

Dani falls to the floor

Doctor " code blue I repeat code blue "

Dani started screaming in pain

Izzy , alec , jace come into the room

And they figure out what happened very quickly

Izzy screams " no"

Nurse " You all need to wait outside"

They all go outside

Maryse is holding Dani well, and she screams in pain.

Random shadowhunter " Mrs. Lightwood Mrs. Mcalls here "

Maryse " thank you"

Maryse hands the boys Dani and walks off

Melissa " is scott and stiles ok"

Maryse looks like she gonna cry again

Melissa " what "

Maryse " Stiles isn't breath at this very moment. I'm afraid to call Noah. Scott has fallen into a coma. Starts to cry

The hug and cry together

Melissa called Noah

Noah got there within five minutes

Noah " Maryse, please tell me hes ok"

Maryse " Well, he's breathing "

Noah let out a breath of air he didn't know he was holding "

Dani " Noah "

Noah " Dani " they hug

Dani and Noah have grown very close.

Melissa goes to vist scott at his bedside

Noah does the same with stiles

Both of the
" please my boy hold on for dear life "

Curiosity killed the Cat

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