Gone MIA

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Stiles and Dani walk into the main area of the institute

Alec " hey I got a mission for you both."

Stiles " what is it."

Alec " izzy found a shifter not far. Since you both have been trained by a hunter. You Two are the best for the job. "

Dani" ok what the location "

Alec gives the location

Stiles looks at Dani " let go"

Stiles and Dani get geared up
And head off

Aria said to Stiles " make it back."

Stiles stops and turns to Aria " I promise Ari."

Aria smiled

There off

Stiles and Dani arrived at the location

They look around their weapons and are drowned

Shifter " Hello"

Both Dani and stiles turned

Shifter " how can I help you"

Stiles " who's giving you the shadowhunter weapons."


Dani " answer the question "

Stiles looks closer at the runes
Stiles sees one that not right

Stiles " Dani we have to now "

Dani " no not till he answer. "

The Shifterz hands starts glowing

Dani " what the "

Stiles " his rune it the one clary made to combind a downworlder to a shadowhunter. "

Dani " what"

Stiles " that not a Shifter it seelies bonded to a shadowhunter. "

Dani " but we saw dozens "

Stiles " there making an army "

The seelie/shadowhunter heads go up

Stiles " run"

The run

It blast of green light goes through the alley way.

6 hours later

Izzy " Hey, alec, has Stiles or Dani checked in "

Alec " There not back yet. "

Izzy " no"

Alec goes running to the walky ( stiles has the other one)

Alec " Stiles come in"

Izzy worried

Jace walks in " what going on

Izzy " Stiles and Dani haven't returned "

Jace " what"

Alec " Stiles Dani, do you copy."

Aria in the corner hiding


Jace walks and and grabs the walky
" if you can hear me it the receiver."


Izzy " let go search there last know where abouts ."

They left and took the walky

The three arrived

Izzy " this looks like magic "

Magnus arrived beaten" I can tell you it not a warlock."

Alec " babe "

Magnus calapsed

Jace " Magnus what happened "

Magnus " I gave Stiles something to use in case of an emergency to contact me. He used it when I arrived. I got her him, and Dani was gone. All I saw was a flash of green. No warlock can do that. When the light came back to the user, it knocked me out cold."

Izzy " what the hell is this thing "

Jace " Whatever it is, it got Dani and Stiles. This is war."

Izzy " wait, Magnus, you said they were gone, that means."

Alec " the thing didn't take them."

Jace " Magnus, how long do you think they were exposed to the biased. "

Magnus " longer than I was "

Izzy " how they get away."

To Stiles and Dani

Unknown " come on stay with me kids "
Stiles comes to with ring in his ear

Stiles looks to the person trying to wake him and Dani up
Stiles " Cas , Gabriel "

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