let's talk

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Stiles is in his room when he feels like exploring.

Stiles started to explore but got drawn to this one room that looks like no one touched in years.

He walks in and walks around. They pick up a book from the small shelf.
And sat down at started to read.

After 25 minutes later

A nice drug Stiles out of the book he was reading. He looked up and saw a man staring at him.

Stiles jumped up and grabbed the scissors that were on the table

Unknown " Don't worry dear winchester, I mean you no harm "

Stiles " winchester ? Who are you? "

Unknown " you don't know, oh, that is wonderful. I'm crowley . Now, please put the scissor down. "

Stiles " Why you call me winchester "

Crowley " cause that your last name right "

Stiles" My last name is Stilinski "

Crowley said, " Oh my, he actually did it."

Stiles " Who ? Did what? "

Crowley, " your father, he faked his death to get away from his monster of a brother. Wow, he really did it. "

Stiles, " You know my father,"


Crowley " I gotta go " snapped away

Door opens

Maryse " Stiles there you are. I was worried I went to make sure you were asleep cause bedtime was an hour and a half ago, and you weren't in bed. "

Stiles " sorry I lost track of time "

Maryse walked Stiles to his room to go to sleep. Tucks him in

Maryse " night"

Stiles " night"

Door closes


Crowley " night"

Stiles slams the pillow over his head

Crowley walked over to Stiles bed and started talking
" I know you're awake. Do you wanna know your dad's secret? I'll show you," snap

Stiles falls asleep

But he dreams of his dad old life
The monster
The gore
The murder
John killing his first love

Stiles' dream quickly became a nightmare. Crowley tried but couldn't wake him. Till he woke up screaming. Not just any scream, but this one woke up the whole institute. Stiles was only awake for a few minutes before calapseing.

Crowley hears footsteps
And snaps away.

Maryse reaches Stiles first
" Stiles Stiles. Get a medic. " The whole lightwood family was in Stiles' room, worried . The medic came and transported Stiles to the infirmary.

Maryse and Robert " is he ok"
Izzy ,alec, and jace, right behind their parents, waiting for answers.

Doctor " were not sure what happened, but all we know is he has slipped into a coma. "

Maryse " How's Dani doing?"

Doctor " The bolet wound has healed, she should be waking up soon
Beep beep

Maryse " What wrong with her "

Doctor " we need to get the healing runes on both now "

Healing runes have been put on

Dani is recovering

Doctor " Dani doing fine now,"

Maryse , why is Stiles not healing? "

Doctor " the rune only heals physical wounds "

Maryse " meaning "

Doctor " Whatever is happening, it mental not physical "

Maryse , so is there anything you cN do? "

Doctor " I can't, but a warlock could."

Doctor walks away

Maryse " What are we gonna do?"

Robert " find a warlock "

2 days later

Maryse " No warlock will help a shadowhunter "

Robert " I don't know what to do now"

Doors burst open to the director office

Maryse " Alec, what is it?"

Alec " Stiles is awake "

Maryse ,Robert, and alec start running to the infirmary.

Izzy and jace are already there

Izzy " I miss my favorite sparing partner "

Stiles laughed

Maryse " Stiles are you ok "

Stiles " ask later and I let you know "

Robert " Stiles what happened we heard you scream but by the time we got to you , you wouldn't wake up"

Stiles " this man showed up out of thin air he told me his name but it fuzzy. He told me about my dad secret and showed me but it went to far he tryed pulling me out but he couldn't "

Maryse " warlock "

Robert " maybe "

Stiles " I saw him in the nightmares I was given. People called him The king of Hell "

No matter how hard you bury your secret they will be dug up one day.

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