what crowley

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Stiles is back in class.

Crowley " Little winchester. "

Stiles is trying to ignore him.

Bell rings now it lunch time.

The pack sat together at a lunch table. Everyone noticed Stiles absentes.

Stiles is in the locker room. " What, crowley?"


Crowley " im here to warn you of 2 things."

Stiles " ok, what are they."

Crowley " Johnathan is getting stronger bye the second. The lightwoods broke the bound between Clary and Johnathan. It is only a matter of time before he comes the great demon."

Stiles " and the other thing."

Crowley " something coming to Beacon Hills. But it feels like it gonna be 2 things. Stay sage. Bye, little winchester."

Stiles " great. I just want a break. "

Stiles got his lunch and sat down next to malia and lydia.

Scott " Stiles "

Stiles put his hand up. " Don't ask, please."

Lydia " Stiles are you ok . "

Stiles " I just want a break from everything. "

Liam " why do you need a break? You're not a wolf."

Scott " Liam Stiles is something else, and it is very tiring."

Liam tried to say something
But Stiles cut him off

Stiles " say it and I'll Derek and tell him to call Scott to not have you come tonight. Cause I have the most pull. So shut up."

Liam " sorry"

Stiles finished his food and left the pack and walked outside.

Stiles takes a deep breath

Unknown person " Hey, im new. Can I get some help."

Stiles look over at the kid that looks the same age as him.

Stiles thinking he looks familiar. " What is your name "

Unknown " I'm theo and your Stiles right."

Stiles was about to answer when Liam ran past .

Liam " Theo "

Theo " little wolf"

Stiles face when he said wolf

Theo " sorry I'm assuming you know."

Stiles " about supernatural yes."

Theo " I'm a chimera. "

Stiles " cool "

Theo " what are you "

Liam " he doesn't tell people. He's not any form of wolf, tho."

Theo " I remember you, Stiles. "

Stiles " I remember you too, theo."

Theo and Liam are holding hands

Stiles " I'm gonna go on a lime and say you both are mates."

Liam " Yeah, we are," smiles at Theo.

Stiles " What did you need help with."

Theo " I'm looking for Scott mccall. The alpha."

Stiles " You need a pack, don't you."

Theo nods yes.

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