a day later

201 8 0

Izzy. " Where is she? "

They arrived at the location Clary gave them.

Izzy screams

Alec " izzy " right next to her, making sure she ok.

Izzy is trying to get the words out" n-n-not m-me i-it's C-Cl-ar-y "

Jace " we need to find her now,"

They can hear Clary scream from a distance

Jace screams, " Clary ."

Dani is getting a bad feeling

Jace takes off to the direction Clary scream comes from.

Alec " JACE NO"

Dani sees it and feels it. Her father's there.

Dani pulled her sword out, ready to fight her father to protect Jace.

Jace is walking back toward the others 

Dani can see him, but no one else can.
" Valentine, let I'm go. " Sword up

izzy and alec, notice what Dani sees and grab their sword.

Valentine " Hello, my sweet daughter."

Dani mad ass hell. " Never call me your daughter. You are just the sperm donor. "

Stiles can feel Dani's rage from the cell

Dani " now let Jace and my sister go Valentine."

Valentine " I don't like your attitude, daughter."

Dani " and I don't like your face."

Valentine annoyed. He let his guard down. Jace, take the opportunity and get free. And run to get Clary.

Both come running back to the other, but Valentine try to stop them. But

Dani attacks him " touch my little fucking sister again and I'll have your head."

Valentine running off.

Dani hugs Clary

Clary " thanks, sis. Now let go save Stiles from the clave. "

They get back to the institute.

Alec finds him mom " anything "

Maryse " No "

Everyone worried sick.

To Stiles

Stiles' hands are on the soul sword

A clave member " state your name "

Stiles " my full name "

Clave member " yes"

Stiles "Mieczyslaw Stilinski"

A clave member " Who are you parents "

Stiles " Noah stilinski and Claudia stilinski.  Also know as Claudia Lightwood and Nickolas Winchester."

The clave member, " ok now, did you intend to kill Donavan?""

Stiles glaring dagers " no"

Clave member, " but you killed him."

Stiles " in self-defense "

Clave member, " but you thought about killing him, tho."

Stiles is trying to fight the sword the sword flips and
he says yells " Why does that matter lots of people have bad thoughts, but it doesn't mean we are gonna act on them ."

The clave was not happy.

That was until Ms. Wayland, come in.
" Let him go. NOW."

The clave did as she told them. They let Stiles go."

Stiles went home

He had a voice mail

The voice mail

Hey Stiles, it Dean. Um, it is Ellen and Jo. Stiles there dead. We are plan on doing a hunters funeral. If you would like to come, just text me or call me ,I'll send Cas to get you.

Stiles texts Dean within minutes. Cas arrived to take him to Dean.

Stiles got close to Ellen and Jo in the past two years.

🎶 So how do I, how do I, how do I say goodbye? 🎶

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