claudia secret

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Stiles is full of energy . He had just gotten home from school and found his father passed out on the couch with a pile of beer bottles on the floor.

Stiles ventures upstairs ( yes, I don't believe they had a 2 story in the show, but in this story they do) and head to his room.

Stiles tries to entertain himself, but he is so bored.

So Stiles thought of something since he fathers asleep he could go to the attic.

Stiles leaves his room and into the hallway. Then, he looks up at the ladder to the attic, but how to get it down.

Stiles, though, and got an idea. He ran to his room and pulled out his desk chair. And put it in a spot so he could reach the chain to pull the ladder down. Stiles got on the chair, but it started rolling. And he went flying and he hit his head hit his head a bit but he's just fine. Then Stiles went running into the office ( spare bedroom) and pulled out a chair with no wheels. And put it we he needed it and got on it and reached for the chain. He grasped it in his hand and yanked the ladder came down.

Stiles gets off the chair and walks to the ladder. And walks up the ladder.

He gets to the top, and all Stiles sees is his parents' junk. Till he reaches the back of the attic. Something catches his eye a notebook with a weird symbol on the front of it with a name. Claudia Lightwood and the symbol look like someone drew a diamond with some curls on the side. Then, to the side of the journal is a metal stick with a crystal at the end.
And beside that was a large wooden box with a lock. Stiles tried his birthday, but it didn't work, so he went to the journal and saw if anything there was the password. He sees an old photo of his mother. Well, he believes it is his mother. He was on the 5th page, and he found a certain that looks important to his mother. So he tried that day, and it worked. It said in the journal that she had passed the biggest text, and she listed it as life changing.
Stiles open the box. Stiles is looking at a sword with the same symbol that are in his mother's journal.

Stiles reaches out and picks up the sword to Stiles. It's amazement it starts glowing. Stiles put it back in the box. And pick up the metal stick thing, and it also starts glowing. He puts it on the floor and starts to freak out.
Stiles calms down and starts looking at the journal when he sees that there's a name and a number in it listed as a friend.
Maryse Lightwood
Random number

I should call her and as some questions.

Stiles finds his mom old phone with his dad tossed upstairs and never bothered to cancel. Stiles plugs the phone in and waits. For a few hours.
It finally turns on. Stiles dials the number, and it rings.

Maryse " Hello"

Stiles " Hi my name his Stiles stilinski did you know my mother"

Maryse" who is your mother sweetheart "

Stiles " Claudia stilinski, but you may have known her as Claudia Lightwood"

Maryse " oh my angel wait you said knew is your mother ok"

Stiles " she died almost a year ago "

Maryse " oh my angel, wait, are you ok sweetheart are you in danger ? "

Stiles " No, I'm safe at home, but I found my mom stuff. I touched some of her things, and it started glowing, "

Maryse " ok sweetheart, you said you're at home well. I'm a good friend of your mothers but I'm also your aunt ok sweetheart we you like me to come to you"

Stiles " Yeah , I'm kind freaking out,"

Maryse " Stiles, how old are you?"

Stiles " 9 "

Maryse " Oh my angel, I'm my way sweetheart "

Claudia may be dead, but her secrets ain't they can be dug up.

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