another secret

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(This is young Claudia with her runes)

Stiles looks at the photo on the wall and wonders who the man is with her. When a man walks up behind him.

Unknown " Hello Stiles, I see you found your mothers old photo when she used to work here, that how she met your father."

Stiles, " You knew my mother,"

Unknown " we were friends, and she was on the run from someone,
( Bell rings, meaning it time to go home )
but I don't know who. Oh, I shouldn't be telling you this. I have to go, "

Stiles looks beyond the man and sees Maryse.

The man noticed he was looking at something behind him, so he turned.

Unknown " Maryse, how long ha e you been standing there"

Maryse " who was Claudia running from"

Unknown " I can't I promise her"

Maryse, " she dead now answer the question "

Unknown " she dead oh my. Valentine she was running from Valentine. "

Maryse " Claudia was never a part of the circle. Why would she be running from Valentine?"

Unknown " Valentine may have loved Jocelyn, but he also loved Claudia the same way. In resulted in a pregnancy, she had a daughter. Claudia hid her so Valentine could never find her ."

Maryse , do you know the child's name? "

Unknown, " she called her Dani."

Maryse , "Thank you. "

Unknown " Maryse, find her if you say Claudia is dead, that means Dani is in danger. "

Stiles " I have a sister "

Maryse totally forgot Stiles was there. " Oh my angel Stiles, we must go,"

Stiles " ok"

Melissa " Stiles "

Stiles turns " Ms. Mcall " runs and gives her a hug.

Melissa, " Were your dad?" Scott looked at his mom and back at Stiles, confused but worried

Stiles looks around and tries not to make it obvious he looks at Maryse when she glamored

Maryse thought quickly and left and came back deglamored.

Maryse " Stiles "

Stiles " Auntie"

Melissa " Hello, I'm Melissa Scott's mom, Stiles and scott, our good friends ."

Maryse " Hello, I'm Maryse Stiles. Aunt, on his mom's side, his dad called to see if i could pick this little guy up ."

Melissa " ok, just wanted to make sure he was getting home safe."

Maryse " he will "

Melissa " ok bye Stiles " Melissa hugs stiles

Stiles " bye " Scott hugs stiles bye

20 minutes later

Maryse is back at the institute with stiles.

Maryse ," You ready for your first day of training?"

Stiles " Yeah, but is my dad doing ok ?"

Maryse, " I'm not sure, but Robert or I can go check ok, "

Stiles " ok"

Maryse " ok Stiles, how do you feel training with izzy "

Stiles smiles

Maryse " I knew you would . "

Stiles walks to the training room. Well, izzy was waiting for him

Izzy throws him a stick
" Ready, I don't hold back,"
She lunges and tries to attack, but Stiles conters the attack.

They continue sparing well,
Maryse heads to cheak on Noah
To use the rune and she back in beacon hills

She arrives at the stilinski house and uses the unlock rune to get in

She walks in and sees Noah unconscious on the couch with more beer bottles added to the pie. She can tell he moves and possibly went to work since she was here last.

Out of now, we're Maryse is pined to the wall.

Maryse " Melissa "

Melissa , who the hell are and were is Stiles , a dager at Maryse throat

Maryse looks at the dager where you get that"

Melissa " I recognize the tattoo anywhere there runes shadowhunter"

Maryse, " answer me where you got the dager,"

Melissa " it mine "

Maryse " No, that means you're an Iron Sister. "

Melissa is " a former iron sister and former shadowhunter. I was stripped of my runes, but they left my memory. I don't know why until one day they came to me asking for my help about being a protector of claudia lightwood. " dager is down

Maryse, " Did they give you your runes back?"

Melissa " No, they trained me, so I'm classified as a Mundane protector."

Maryse , why don't I know you? I've never heard of a Melissa mcall. "

Melissa " cause at the time I wasn't a macall I was a Delgado"

Maryse " Wait, you're the Melissa Delgado, the one that risked her life warning the downworld about Valentine,"

Melissa " yep "

Maryse, it is an honor to meet you . Stiles is safe at the institute until his dad is back to normal and his home is safe to come home to"

Melissa " That fair , I'll help Noah, but Stiles is welcome to stay with me whenever he wants."

Maryse " ok, I have a question. Did you know claudia had a daughter "

Melissa " Yes, I did."

Maryse , do you know where she is? "

Melissa, " im afraid she took that secret to her grave. "

Maryse " I hope not that girl in danger "

A young girl screaming, " Is anybody out there "

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