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Stiles and the others arrived back at the institute with Johnathans body

Stiles sees he had a text

Stiles opens it
And jumps up

Dani " Stiles, you ok"

Stiles " Melissa in trouble. "

The pack

Scott " im what happened

Liam " the beast attached us "
Theo who's covered in his own blood

Scott looks to Derek

Derek " what "

Scott " are you even listening "

Derek " not really . I tuned out often attached by a beast. That all I needed "

Stiles comes rushing in
" Scott, your mom in trouble. "

Scott " What "

Stiles shows Scott the text.

Scott " wow Derek help me search the around town."

Derek get up but slowly

Isaac comes down and starts a fight with Liam

They are now actually fighting

Scott " stop"

They don't

Scott alpha voice " stop "

They hesitantly continue

Scott " the hell"

Derek walks in " Boys "

The hesitantly continue

Derek " what the hell"

Stiles " guys stop"

They continue

Stiles eyes glow red " STOP "

Derek looks right at Stiles

The boys stop, and they look scared

Derek and scott leave

Theo " your eyes are red" .

Stiles " yeah, right."

Theo holds up Lydia's mirror she left at Derek's

Stiles " What the hell? Why are my eyes red."

Stiles was headed to the bathroom bit stopped in his tracks.

Stiles " I know your hear show yourself "

Theo , Liam and Isaac confused

That when Liam was thrown across the room. Theoand Isaac are now shifted.

Stiles sword is out " why can't I see you."

Unknown shows them self

Stiles confused " Dani "

Stiles was thrown through glass.

Stiles groans

Theo attached Dani

Isaac " Dani, what are you doing."

Stiles' vision starts to blur he reaches for his stele and activities his healing rune.

Stiles gets up

He's looking at two Dani's now

Stiles " what the hell"

Dani vs. Dani

Stiles pulls his gun
" ok Isaac can you smell the real Dani "

Isaac " They smell the same "

Stiles " ok who's your father "

Dani 1" Valentine "

Dani 2 " Valentine "

Stiles " sorry ,who your true father."

Dani 1 " Valentine "

Dani 2 " Luke "

Stiles shoots Dani 1

Stiles " Well that was fun"

Dani " shifter "

Stiles " maybe, but why did it have shadowhunter weapons."

Dani looks at Stiles stumped

Dani " I'll call it in "

Dani " but a do I want to know why your eyes are red."

Stiles " I don't know why so."

Dani went to call alec

Derek and scott returned

Scott "Dani"

Stiles " it not her" point to real Dani

Scott " wait what"

Stiles " my exact thought "

Derek " you ok liam" gives him a hand up

Liam " yeah"

Derek " we didn't find anything. And I mean nothing. His mom sent it barely there."

Stiles " now what"

Scott " shadowhunter help or warlock or winchesters."

Stiles " fun"

Will they ever get a break

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