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Stiles has been asleep for a couple of hours till


Derek " Who are you"

Gabriel in distress. " I'm Gabriel, I'm here for Stiles."

Stiles has woken up

Stiles " What up Gabriel"

Gabriel " Void escaped he out tricked me"

Stiles looked up, shocked.

Stiles " what "

Gabriel " he's mad, mad "

Stiles is so done with void " were he go "

Gabriel " he's heading toward the institute "

Stiles got up and grabbed his sword and his stele.

Stiles, " You both coming, I can fight him on my own."

Gabriel and derek walk to Stiles
Stiles use the portal rune.

The three arrived

Derek is shifted
Stiles is ready with his sword
Gabriel is just there with his abilities

Stiles walks around
" What the hell happened?"

Alec comes around the corner ready to attract. " oh Stiles it you, I thought you were void."

Stiles " what happened "

Derek shifts back to normal

Alec " void he took Kira "

Scott comes around the corner, " and lydia Allison just texted that she never showed up . They had plans."

Stiles " Where do you think he is?"

Izzy walks in. " Alec when you shot him with your arrow. He must not have taken it out. There is a tracker in those arrows. "

Stiles " let go"

They get ready and prepare for battle

They leave

And arrive at beacon hills high school

Allison " Hey guys " ready with her bow and arrows

Magnus " Sorry, I'm running fashionably late."

Alec smiled
" Just happy you could make it,"

They all walk in
Every is

Stiles (shadowhunter)
Derek (werewolf alpha)
Scott ( werewolf alpha)
Alec ( shadowhunter)
Jace (shadowhunter)
Izzy ( shadowhunter)
Clary ( shadowhunter)
Magnus ( warlock)
Dani( shadowhunter)
Malia ( werecoyote )

They separate

Stiles and derek
Alec and Magnus
Scott and Dani
Jace and clary
Izzy and malia

Stiles and derek are talking about everything that has happened and their feelings .

Alec and Magnus are acting like they don't like each other

Scott and Dani are doing the same.

So are Jace and clary.

Izzy and maila are getting to know each other.

Void comes out of nowhere and attacked izzy and malia.

Every group heard maila Howl.

They went running

Void is now surrounded by shadowhunters and the wolfs

Stiles " we're is Kira and lydia void"

Void starts laughing

Scream come from behind them
Izzy goes flying

Scott " Lydia"

Kira walks in right behind her
Glowing orange

Malia " kira"

Void still laughing

Malia " Kira babe, please come back to me."

Kira is slowly coming out of it

Kira " malia "

Scott " now "
Scott bites void

Stiles " Kira your sword "

Kira throws her sword to Stiles .
Stiles inpales void, he falls to the ground and falls to ash.

Scott " We did it,"

Everyone cheering.

Alec, get a call

" Hey mom,"

Maryse " Valentine, he's alive he's looking for the cup. We need to find it before him. "

Alec " ok, we're on it, mom,"

Izzy " Alec, what is it?"

Alec " Valentine is alive, and he's searching for the cup. We need to get to it first."

Stiles " we will. We have the best team. We're undefeated."

To Valentine

Vel " we must wake her up she's the only one who knows we're the cup is."

Henchmen, " a warlock made this portion we need a warlock."

Vel " we have one."

Dot " I never do it. "

Vel " oh yes, you will " injected something into dot

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