a week later

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Jace pissed off

Izzy " Jace, calm down."

Alec " I don't blame him. Valentine escaped basically killed Jace. And clary used the wish to bring him back. The only good thing about this is that Valentine is dead."

Jace " but Johnathan is in the wind"

Izzy, " and we still haven't found Stiles."

Alarms blaring

Dani walks in. " What the hell is that?"

Izzy, you are feeling better, Dani. "

Dani says with sas" sure."

Alec " What the hell "

Dani " What "

Alec " the computer never seen this demon before."

Jace " well let go check it out."

Izzy " where clary"

Jace " No clue"

Dani, " In her room, I'll get her."

Walks to clarys room
" clary, come on, we have a mission."

Clary " coming "

They leave all together
arrived at the location

Clary " What is that"

Alec " no clue " aims his arrow

so you're gonna shoot it. "

Alec " yep"

Alec shoots it, and it separates into these weird creatures.

Jace " What the hell"

To Stiles
no clue where he is still, but he is getting vision. Of Johnathan. Of Dani.  Of everyone. Of what to come.


Stiles is trying everything to figure out where he is.


Stiles turns around

Unknown " hey little winchester "

Stiles smiles. " Crowley man, I'm glad to see you. Where the hell im i?"

Crowley laughed. " You don't recognize it, do you? I thought ever winchester knew this place, but you're not ever winchester. You're in Sioux Falls, South Dakota."

Stiles " Wait as in where Bobby lives."

Crowley " so you do know .  Yes, Bobby  lives here. I can take you to him."

Stiles " please "

Crowley touched Stiles shoulder and swooped away to Bobby's.

To Bobby

Bobby is researching when he hears


Bobby " Cas, that better be you," he turns . He grabs a shot gun as soon as he sees Crowley.

Crowley " hold on. I'm just here to drop him off he was lost. "

Stiles pops out and waves 👋

Bobby lowers guns. " ok, you did that now go," Crowley leaves

Bobby " You must be Stiles "

Stiles " yep "

Bobby " nice to meet you want a beer."

Stiles " I'm good "

Bobby " so Crowley said you were lost."

Stiles " I died "

Bobby " oh boy "

Stiles " how am I alive "

Bobby " we call it the winchester curse. Some angel resurrect Sam and Dean cause they save the world. Or an angel was given an order to save a winchester. But john is never on the list, which is hilarious. "

Stiles " why would an angel want me alive. "

Bobby " They usually save the boys cause they always save the world. Maybe there's a war coming, and you have to save everyone. I don't know, kid."

Stiles " I keep seeing flashes of my friends and family fighting one of our enemies. He looks like he got powerful. It looks like a -."

Bobby " a war."

Stiles nods

Bobby " I'll call the boys "

Stiles " What are you to the boys "

Bobby " Well, for me, the boys are like my like my kids. "

Bobby calls the boys

Bobby " the ijits are on their way. "

Stiles " Whats an ijits?"

Bobby " an idiot.  "

Stiles " oh"

Bobby " so how's your dad "

Stiles " he's good "

Bobby " I remember your dad he feared nothing except his brother."

Stiles " he's was afraid of john."

Bobby " he's brother was and still is a monster. "

Stiles " I've heard that many times "

Bobby " I remember the day your dad finally considered to fake his death. John has just killed his first love, and she died in his arms. And top that John and your dad parents were abusive. I don't blame your father."

Stiles " I never know about the abusive parents, but I knew about the other stuff. My dad really didn't want me to know about this side of him."

Bobby " he did everything he could to keep it burryed. So did your mom with her secret. All to protect you."

Stiles smiles " I know they tried."

Bobby " so anyone special back home "

Stiles " kind of . I'm his mate, but he's older. "

Bobby" werewolf "

Stiles " yeah "

Bobby " Well, he will be protective."

Stiles laughed.

The boys arrived

Bobby let them in

Dean " is it really you, Stiles?"

Stiles sarcastically. " no it my evil twin."

Sam laughed

Dean " haha."

Stiles " small well actually big problem a war coming in the shadowhunter world. It gonna be bad."

Dean " So let train then go to you pack and have them train and prepare."

Stiles " sounds good "

To Johnathan

Johnathan " mother," Johnathan summoned Lilith

Lilith " Yes, my child "

Johnathan " I'm too weak." Johnathan is on the verge of death

Lilith " I can fix that. Let find one of your sisters. Preferably Clary. "

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