please boys hold on

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Scott starts healing
So Stiles allows himself to heal
The doctor thought it would be best to put them in the same room.

Maryse " any news Doctor "
With Noah, Melissa, Robert
And izzy , alec, jace , Dani
All in the room looking at the Doctor

Doctor " Stiles is healing he will be awake soon. scott is also healing but not as a shadowhunter as a werewolf.

Melissa " What "

Doctor " the bit has turned scott "

Melissa walks to scott
" he's still my boy," crys

Maryse, " but he's a downworlder now,"

The whole room went silent

Melissa " What if it was alec that got bit? Would you disown him or love him ? "

Maryse looks at Melissa well. alec waits for the response cause for him ot not about being a downworlder. It is about his secret .

Maryse walks away

Alec's heart breaks

Everyone but Melissa and Noah and Dani left the room.

It had been a couple of hours that both Melissa and Noah went to work.

Which left Dani in the room.

Dani falls asleep after a few hours.

Well, Dani was asleep. Stiles wakes up.

Stiles sits up a little and sees Dani and scott, but when he loos to the door, he sees the wolf that protected him in the woods, just standing there looking at him with it electric blue eyes.

Dani wakes up and sees the wolf

She jumps and grabs her dager.

Stiles " Dani, it not gonna hurt up."

Dani , how do you know that? "

Stiles gets out of bed and walks over to the wolf.

Stiles croches down and meets the wolf eye to eye.

Stiles " I'm Stiles, who are you ? "

All of a sudden, the wolf calapsed

Dani shouts, " we need some help over here."

A doctor got to the wolf and tried to help, but the wolf was shifting back to human form.

Even one stepped back

The wolf was naked

Dani grabbed a sheet and had it to Stiles and covered the person.

Doctor " he looks no older than 20 years old "

The wolf in human form wakes up and looks at Stiles. " I'm Derek , "

Stiles smiles. " Nice to meet you,"

The doctor tried to get Derek on a gurney, but Derek refused.

Derek " How's scott "

Dani, how do you know scott? "

Derek annoyed. " I help save his life."

Dani " right"

Stiles " he's doing better "

Maryse walks in

Maryse , you're awake Stiles who's this "

Stiles " this is the wolf that help me and scott last night"

Maryse " I sent a search team to clean things up, and they found a body."

Stiles " was it the wolf that attacked us"

Maryse " I couldn't of been she been dead at most an two hours before the attack. We have identified the body as a Laura Hale "

Derek looks to the side and stands up with the sheet

Maryse " do you know her? "

Derek " she my sister who ever this alpha is killed her for her power"

Maryse " I'm sorry."


Maryse " Scott "

Scott awake, and his eyes are glowing yellow.

Scott, get up with the look to kill. He looks at Stiles

Derek steps in front of Stiles " Scott "
Scott swings his claw at Derek.

Derek " Scott repeat after me ALPHA, BETA , OMEGA. "

Scott Snarles " ALPHA, BETA , OMEGA "
Derek " again"

Scott say it again and calms down

I'm running with the wolfs

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