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Noah recognized the name but can't place it.

Stiles gets texts from Scott. " I gotta get back to school. One of the new wolves just got into a fight. Dad, are you ok I leave you with Derek."

Noah " yeah, I'll be fine."

Stiles takes off.

Stiles get to the school.

Stiles finds an angry theo.

Stiles " Theo what's going on."

Theo " Theo got his ass kicked, and I kicked there ass and got in trouble."

Stiles is now pissed
Marches to the office
"Seriously, you punish the kid stepping up to protect the victim. "

The principal walks in " excuses me "

Receptionist" sir, we can explain "

Principal " ok explain why you're protecting bullys."

The receptionist looks down

Principal " Good, send the Billy's in the one that defended the kid is off the hood."

Stiles walks out.

Theo looks up at Stiles

Stiles" You're off the hook"

Stiles looks at his watch. " shit lacrosse."
Stiles takes off running
And makes it just in time, basically running into Scott.

Scott " You good man,"

Stiles " I need a day off "

Isaac right behind them. " Oh hey Stiles . Um, Liam's kind of here."

Stiles and scott look over
Then look at each other.

Stiles " not it"
Isaac " I'm out"

Scott " seriously "

Scott went over to Liam

Liam " What "

Scott " This sport will cause you to shift liam."

Liam " leave me alone."

Scott " Liam "

Liam ied is getting active

Liam punches Scott

Isaac rushes in front of Scott.
Stiles goes to help Scott up

Isaac " Liam, calm down."

Liam calms down

Stiles " Yeah, this is gonna be fun."

Time skipped

After school

Stiles " Well, at least he stayed in control."

Scott is glaring at Stiles

They head to Derek's

In the jeep there is
Stiles driving
Scott passenger princess
Liam in the back
Isaac in the back

They driving

Isaac and Liam are bicker like siblings

Scott " guys "

They continue to bicker

Stiles activates something " ENOUGH "

both batas listen to Stiles
Scott is stunned

They arrived at Derek's

Stiles parked, and all of them got out.

Stiles " both of inside now."

Scott " Stiles "

Stiles can feel something different. He turns around

Scott " your eyes Stiles there red."

Stiles " cool, let go." Stiles' eyes fall back to normal

Scott " Man, that was weird."

Both go in.

Stiles walks in and basically calapsed almost on top of Derek.

Scott sits next to Isaac.

Noah " hey, son and everyone "

Stiles " I so forgot about this."

Noah " I know you did."

Stiles "so I'll get in touch with crowley about his mother."

Liam " Hi, I'm Liam."

Derek " nice to meet you."

Liam " I know you don't trust me but I'm doing my best."

Stiles " Liam, just take a seat."

Lights flicker and go out for 30 seconds

Stiles vanished

Derek " stiles "

To Stiles

Unknown " Hello Stiles, I thought we should have a talk."

Stiles " Rowena "

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