where's Dani

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Scott eye fade back to normal.

Scott ," thanks. Who are you? "

Derek " I'm Derek Hale. I'm just like you, except I was born a wolf"

Stiles growns in pain

Maryse " Stiles what is it "

Stiles " It Dani her head oh my god feels like I've been hit with a rock "

Alarms blaring

Maryse " What going on"

Random shadowhunter " intruder "

Maryse " Dani in trouble "

Stiles calapsed

Jace come running in covered in blood not far behind is izzy holding up alec.

Jace " it Dani "

Maryse " Jace, what took Dani?"

Jace " she called herself The fallen Angel "

Maryse " Angel, an Angel took Dani"

Stiles " Fallen Angel. They are like outlaws "

Maryse " so and ex Angel did this "

Stiles yeah

Scott help Stiles up well a nurse hands Derek some clothes.

Time skipped

With Dani

Dani wakes up on the concrete floor.

The fallen Angel " morning sunshine "

Dani tried to move, but she's chained
Dani " what do you want "

The fallen Angel " I want my grace back and your brother has some friends that can help with that"

Dani " so what's your plan "

The fallen Angel " your brother will call his angel friend and he will come save you but he have to give me what I want first "

Dani " good luck with that"

With stiles

Stiles is in his quiet place, the office area that used to be his mom's.

He knew if an angel or fallen one he knew who he need.

Stiles took a breath. " Castiel "

Izzy and jace walk in without Stiles relising.

Stiles " Castiel, hear my call "

Jace " Stiles "

Stiles falls off his chair

Izzy " who's Castiel "


Cas " hello Stiles I thought you were alone "

Stiles " thought I was to"

Stiles " Izzy, jace this is Cas my cousin's boyfriend. He's also an angel "
Both " what"

Cas " Stiles you need my help "

Stiles " my Sisters in trouble she was taken "

Cas " do you know by who"

Stiles " she called herself ,The Fallen Angel , "

Cas " I know a couple fallen angel what she look like "

Jace " red hair blue maybe green eyes "

Izzy shows Cas her phone .
Izzy " here's thee security camera footage "

Cas huffed " Anna " ( I know Anna was a good ish character, but this is my story)

Stiles " who's Anna "

Cas " we were very close before she fell she was my boss"

Stiles " that not all is it "

Cas " no but that my personal life "

Stiles " Dean said you were in love before you went against heaven it anna wasn't"

Cas " Yes "

Stiles " so what do we do"

Cas " you and your other cousins stay here "

Stiles " your peachy but I'm pretty sure that this is a trap for you and sam and Dean are out of town"

Cas " then I'll get bobby and Rufus "

Stiles " Bobby may help but Rufus hahaha good luck " Stiles put his feet up and picks up a book

Cas " fine just you and your cousins "

Izzy " I'll get alec"

They leave

Stiles knew it was a trap and that him and his cousins wouldn't cut it so he made a call and he hopes the person shows "

The four are in position well Cas is getting ready.

Cas gave them the signal

All four went in fighting

Stiles was right they were taken out within seconds

Cas was pined

Stiles mind come on show up.

Out of nowhere anna is thrown across ed the room everyone look to who threw her.

Gabriel " Hello brother "

Every get up ready to fight but anna was already pined by Crowley

Crowley " I got your call little winchester "

Stiles smiles

Dani " can someone unchain me "

They laughed well jace and Alec help her.
She hugs them Then hugs izzy and stiles.

Stiles Looking at cas , Crowley, Gabe " thanks guys "

All three " your welcome "

Let go home

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