somethings not right

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The three arrived back at the institute
Alec came up to them " finally your home izzy trying to kill jace "

All three " What "

The parents start running down the hallway alec is leading them to izzy and jace.

Stiles " What "

Stiles wondered to the small office (were he was when he met crowley)
He pick up the book he was reading and continued.

Swish sound

Stiles " what crowley "

Crowley ....

Stiles looks up crowley looks glitched like he did when Gabriel had him.

Stiles " Crowley what going on"

Crowley " Have you found the exit yet"

Stiles " yeah I'm out"

Crowley " no your not I had to go through Gabriel wards to get here little winchester "

Stiles " no I made it out Gabriel released me"

Crowley " He's a trickster Stiles. He tricks people now get out " glitches and vanished

Stiles " Great"

Stiles get up and leave the room
And goes to see if Maryse and Robert stopped izzy from killing jace. But Stiles has checked half the institute and he hasn't found a soul.

Stiles "HELLO" it echos

Stiles runs around see if he can anyone but he found no one

Stiles " Gabriel " " Gabriel "

Stiles falls to the ground
" anybody "

Stiles got us and went to research.

Midway thru researching Stiles remembers something his father told him.
Noah in the past " when your backs again the wall call out his name call for castiel "

Stiles inhales and scream "CASTIEL "


Noah in the past " he'll hear your call just make sure you scream load enough "

Stiles inhales again yells " CASTIEL"

Stiles looks up and he saw Gabriel. Gabriel pushes him again the wall which knocked him out when Stiles came too he was in his house. But the voice downstairs he didn't recognize

Stiles walks downstairs

Claudia " hey sweetie why don't you tell you uncle hello"

Stiles "ok" Stiles thinking it his uncle Robert

John " Hey kiddo "

Stiles shocked " hi"

Out of nowhere Stiles is being lifted in the air

Stiles " hey"

Dean " hey cuz"
Sam " hey Stiles " ruffles his hair

Stiles smile at them

Then John opened his mouth and said " so little brother when you gonna come hunting "

Dean " Dad really "

John " you shut up "

Dean pass Stiles to Sam

Sam just put him down

Dean " if he doesn't wanna hunt he doesn't have to "

John pushes Dean

Noah " Dean " goes to help Dean up

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