the battle

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The pack and the winchesters arrived

Stiles runner over to Maryse " What happening.

Maryse " thing have changed. Johnathan has a hostage."

Stiles looks over towards Johnathan, who's smiling. And looks at a little girl looks to be a shadowhunter. She scared.

The pack and the winchester, and rowena walk up behind Stiles.

Rowena " I can help get you to the girls."

Stiles " ok. Dani , clary distracted Johnathan."

Dani " ok"


Everyone moved

Alec is shooting arrows at a flying demon

Jace is fighting a demon

Izzy is helping Jace

Maryse and Robert are doing what they can.

Max is hidden inside

The wolfs are shifted

Kira has her swored ready

Derek " let do this " clawed a demon neck out.

Rowena Snaps her finger

Stiles and her are inches from the little girl.

Stiles reaches out

Stiles " come with me I'll protect you from him "

The girl took his hand and rowen Snaps her fingers

Clary looks at Dani

Dani looks back at her

Dani pulls out her sword. " screw you."

Johnathan wings come out

Dani backs up almost hitting Clary.

Clary " what the hell."

A demon charged for Dani and clary

They ran

The demon got it hands clary

Clary " DANI "

Dani grabs her sword and chucks it at the demon

Her sword hit it right in the heart.

Clary moved away from the demon. But she also grabbed dani's sword.

Dani " you ok"

Clary " yeah"

Dani " go find Jace. I'll find stiles "

Clary " ok "

Clary takes off

Dani wasn't gonna go find stiles

Dani Heard a howel in distance

Stiles " DEREK"

Dani hears more screams

Alec and izzy " DAD"

Dani looks right at Johnathan

And charges at him

Scott " ISAAC "

Dani keep running towards Johnathan but something is stopping her

Dani's mind Erica " Dani please no. "

Dani continues

Dani mind goes thru happy memories
Of Luke, her true father

Luke " Everyone, this is my daughter Dani."

Luke and her playing a boat game
Little Dani " Hey, you cheated."

Little Dani meeting Jocelyn and clary
Jocelyn " hi sweetheart, I'm Jocelyn and this."
Little Clary " Hi, I'm clary. Nice to meet you."

Her and clary pulling pranks on Luke
Little Dani and clary spray silly string on Luke.

Of Stiles
Dani met Stiles and her cousins for the first time.

Dani lock in a basement. Izzy and stiles " You ok "
Izzy " let get these off of you."

Alec and jace come in and carry her

Alec making fun of her height
" ok shorty "

Jace always being protective
Jace " You lay a hand on her. I'll kick your ass. Or kill, I'll think about it."

Meeting Erica
Dani " let me guess baddass werewolf."
Erica " your cute. Call me."

Meeting Scott
Stiles " Dani, this Scott, my best friend."
Dani " hi"

Scott being protective
Dani on the floor hurt a man standing over her. Scott kicking his ass.

Izzy always down for a girls night
" work it girl."

Meeting Sam and Dean
Dean acts like a child but always make Dani laugh.
Sam who makes her learn but still makes her laugh.

Isaac always makes her laugh

Dani stops

Scott " DANI NO"

Someone walked in front of Dani

Dani " Dean "

Dean " Find your brother."

Dean aiming a gun at Johnathan

Dani pleading " Dean "

Dean" GO"

Dani takes off to Stiles

Stiles who pined to the wall by a demon

Stiles" that all you got you son of a bitch. "

Demon pushes harder

Stiles" Oh my god, I had to say something."

Dani stabs the demon.

Stiles " thanks."

Dani " Stiles look" points to Dean

Stiles " no"

Stiles tries to run to Dean, but Dani stops him.

Sam right behind Stiles

Sam " what he doing "

Stiles " making the sacrifice play."

Sam " Stiles look "

Stiles " Cas "

Cas in now in front of Dean

Cas turns and touches Dean and smiled. Next thing they know, Dean is standing next to Sam.

Stiles" Dean "

Sam is holding Dean back

Dean " CAS"

a big flash of light

Every covers their eyes.

The light clears

The demons are gone

So is Cass and Johnathan.


Stiles and dani run to alec

Stiles " Uncle Robert, please"

Maryse " Robert ROBERT "

Dani has a hand on Stiles shoulder

Dani could feel it she look to clary.

Clary look back with the same look.

Johnathan is still alive.

When they find him. They won't hesitate. They will kill him. For Robert.

Derek was severely injured but is alive he's healing

Isaac had some minor wounds, but he is just fine.

Dani, mind- please be alive, Cas.

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