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Maryse is getting Stiles ready for school. And since Stiles missed almost a week, she has to go in and talk to the office.

Maryse " Stiles, we gotta go"

Stiles come running out

Maryse " your rune, we need to cover them " grabs her stele and warns Stiles she giving him a rune. She gives him the shapeshifter rune to hide the runes.
( I researched, and it said somewhere that that rune can do that in the book)

Stiles " I'm never gonna get used to this."

Maryse activities Stiles rune

Maryse smiles. " Let go ."

They arrived at beacon hills elementary school.
They walk into the office

The front desk lady " hello " the lady looks at Maryse runes then at Stiles

Maryse " Hi, I'm Maryse Lightwood Stiles, aunt . "

The lady " Uh, I don't have you down on his paperwork. I'm gonna have to call his dad"

Melissa walks in

Melissa " Hey Stiles," hug him

Melissa, " You can try his dad, but he's out of town. Stiles has been staying with his aunt for the rime being "

The lady is calling Noah, but it goes straight to voice mail

The lady " Mrs. Mccall can you confirm this is Stiles' aunt "

Melissa " Yes, I can, and she is .

The lady "Fine, but im gonna need you to write your name and nuber down,"

Maryse does so

The lady " ok, Stiles, go to class have fun"

Maryse and Melissa tell him bye and to have fun

The front desk person " Can you tell me why Stiles was absent for a week "

Maryse " he was very ill and now he is doing better . My apologies. I wasn't aware I had to call"

The lady " ok, next time call have a good day "

They both leave

Melissa " she was eyeing your "tattoo. ""
Maryse " that all fine as long as no one in there see Stiles "tattoos ""

Melissa " agreed see you around, "

Maryse " Melissa "

Melissa stops

Maryse " Dani won't talk to anyone, and we're trying not to have Stiles talk to her until we know "

Melissa " know what"

Maryse " we can trust her. Considering she Valentine daughter "

Melissa " she also Claudia's daughter but she wasn't raised by either one"

Maryse " ya who know who raised her Gerard said she was with a wolf pack that he killed"

Melissa " She doesn't know me so it won't be any use have me talk to her. "

Maryse " true thank "

Melissa " No problem " leaves

Maryse returns to the institute.

Back to Stiles
Stiles is making paper airplanes and throwing them around the teacher. He was supposed to be reading, but his ADHD is having a feld day.

The teacher " Stiles "

Stiles either ignored her or didn't her her.

Scott slaps Stiles (not his face, his arm)

Stiles " what "

Scott points to the teacher

Stiles mind ( damn it not again)

Teacher " counselor now " ( she is basically sending him to the office except the counselor has to be notified, so Stiles can't just wonder the halls)

As he heads for the door, Jackson trips him, and he fell.

Teacher " Jackson see me after class "

Jackson gives Stiles a dirty look

Stiles heads to the counselor office but that when he heard. " Little Winchester "
Stiles knew who it was it started to run to the counselor office. He got there and he met with the counselor she asked so many questions. He tuned out. But not for long he heard a voice say " Little fox"

Stiles jumps up startling the counselor.

Stiles started to ran and well says leave me alone.

Stiles has only been at school for an hour.

The counselor called his emergency contact.
His father first but it listed in his files his out of town
Maryse - went to voice mail
Melissa- she answered ( she at work)

Melissa was on her way she told the counselor if she was taking Stiles home she taking Scott too.

Melissa arrives.
The counselor leads her to Stiles who in a fetal position.
Melissa walk up slowly to him and take him in her arms.

Melissa " Hey I'm taking him home would you please get Scott "

Counselor left to grab Scott

Scott arrived with the counselor

Scott " mom what wrong with stiles "

Melissa " not sure sweetheart but let all go home ok"

Scott " ok"

Mom secret is one thing but dad's is another level.

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