You need to find the exit

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Stiles ran for the front door of the school. And get out and take off running home, but he stubbing and trips and falls. When he opens his eyes, he's in bed.

Stiles " what the hell"

Claudia " Language young man"

Stiles " mom "

Claudia " Yes, sweetie, it me"

Stiles confused

Claudia " You ok, mischief?"

Stiles, " Yeah, I'm fine."

Claudia " Good, you dad taking you to school. I have to go pumpkin."

Noah " hey, little fox, "

Stiles " Dad, you never call me fox "

Noah " sorry, new nickname, you like it"

Stiles " yeah "

Stiles' mind takes him back to the counselor office.

Stiles in his head. " Oh my god, my fathers the trickster , "

Noah " little fox, you there you ready"

Stiles " Your not father," takes off running to the attic. Stiles jumps for the chain. The ladder comes down.

Stiles found what he's looking for the sword. He put the code in and opened the box, and took the sword.

Stiles walks down the ladder and is now toe to toe with the trickster.

Stiles " Who the hell are you? And what do you want? "

Trickster " My name is Gabriel. we need to talk."

Stiles stares him down " talk about what"

Gabriel" your Father "

9 year old Stiles confused
" what about my father "

Gabriel " Your father is not who he says he is "

Stiles even more confused " what " sword still at the ready

Gabriel " Nickolas Winchester "

Stiles " who"

Gabriel " that is your fathers real name. Well, was his real name."

Stiles " quit going around curves tell me. I mean, you did kidnap me just to tell me, so let it get on with it. "

Gabriel kinda shocked " has anyone told you. Your a pain in the ass."

Stiles " yeah many time but has anybody told you, you need to move on from daddy neglect "

Gabriel shocked " let get on with the talk "

Stiles " finally "

Gabriel " your uncle is a monster and I don't mean he is one I mean -"

Stiles " he's an asshole got it"

Gabriel mind ( Jesus) " yeah, basically but he's worse then that he abuse the hell mental and physical about of you cousins there older now. But John your uncle raised them to obey him as a soldier not a father. He killed your fathers first love. And he made a deal . And that deal caused your mother her life. Your uncle is so bad your father faked his own death. I did bring you hear to just inform you but to warn you. Be careful who trust on your dad side. Including me little fox.

Stiles " What "

Gabriel " you will understand soon little fox good buy"

Flash of light

Stiles is back in Scott's room.

Stiles hears voices and walks to them

Downs stairs in the living room.

Scott " Stiles "
Scott runs to Stiles and offers him his food
Stiles decided the food but hugs Scott

Maryse " Stiles did the trickster person take you"

Stiles sit on the couch " yep but I annoyed him so much he returned me"
Maryse smiles " as long as your safe"

Noah " Stiles "

Stiles " Dad" runs and hugs him
" can I go back he looks just fine "

Noah " Stiles it best if you stay with your aunt and uncle until I get clean "

Stiles " ok "

Stiles walks to Melissa and hugs her

Stiles walks up to Robert
" Are we going now or are we staying "
Maryse " we have to go "

Stiles " bye Scott "

Scott " bye Stiles "

What did Gabriel mean.

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