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The pack and stiles went back to Beacon Hills.

Simon and Magnus went back to their homes.

Stiles gets home and hugs his dad and Melissa. Him Scott have a sleepover. The first day of junior year is tomorrow.

Stiles and scott pass out well playing video games. Melissa wakes in to Scott's room and turns the game off.

Melissa " night boys."

The next day

Scott alarm goes off.

Scott hits the alarm.

They get dressed and leave.

Scott " We forgot something last night."

Stiles " my jeep."

Scott " call Derek "

Stiles " already on it "

Derek pulls up the boys get in the Camaro.

Derek " stiles where your jeep. "

Stiles " I have no idea. I'm texting my dad see if he knows. "

Scott " we'll this is the moat normal day we've had un while."

Stiles " yeah. "

Derek pulls into the school parking lot he pulls up to the doors and drops both of them off.

Derek " call me if you need a ride home."

Stiles " will do bye Derek "

Derek drives off

Stiles " great school."

Scott" We have lacrosse tryouts today. "

Stiles " goody"

Scott " Maybe you'll do good, you know, cause you're."

Stiles " shut up."

They head to class

Stiles and coach have a full on argument in class. But both carry on like nothing happened

Stiles raises his hand

Coach " Yes stilinski "

Stiles " can I go to the bathroom "

Coach" yeah"

Stiles leaves class heading to the bathroom.

He hears a noise come from the locker room.

Stiles entered the locker room.

He has his sword tucked away just incase. Stiles was attacked from behind.

Stiles tried to fight, but this person was so strong. Stiles finally got a look at the person. It was a teenager maybe 2 years younger than him. He's wolfed out.

Stiles screams out, " Scott,"

Scott, in class, heard Stiles scream his name in a panic.

Scott raised his hand and says " Coach it emergency I got go"

Coach " go"

Scott took off

He found Stiles he got the wolf off Stiles.

Scott glows his eyes at the wolf.
The wolf shift to human form.

Scott " Who are you, and why did you attack my friend, my pack member."

Unknown " my name is Liam. Liam dunbar. I have ied. I'm sorry. " he tried to leave, but Scott stops him.

Scott " I'd like to help you. ( Looks at Stiles) we would like to help you."

Liam smiles " please I don't wanna kill anyone."

Stiles " have you almost killed someone. "

Liam nods yes

Scott " will help you with control. I'm Scott I'm and alpha werewolf and this is Stiles. "

Liam looks at Stiles " what are you ."

Stiles " I don't tell people that till I trust them sorry."

Liam " I get it."

Scott " so I have pack I like to introduce you to but I co alpha with another alpha. He not very trusting. But he'll come are. "

Liam " thank you"

Scott " no problem here's my number if need anything. But we have a pack meeting tonight I'll and derek if he's OK with you joining. "

Liam " thanks . Here my number. Do I get his. "

Scott " he's also not very trusting so no."

Scott " who turned you"

Liam looked away from Scott

Stiles " he asked you a question. Us helping you. Isn't gonna be one sided. "

Scott " Stiles "

Liam " my ex boyfriend Brett."

Stiles " is he "

Liam " dead. Ya. A hunter got to him. "

( yes Brett wasn't an alpha in the show but it my story just go with it)

Stiles " we better get back to class before Coach gives us determination."

Scott " I'll let you know if Derek agrees. "

Scott calls Derek right away.

Derek agrees to have Liam over

Stiles as he walks back to class hears
" little winchester "

Stiles rolls his eyes

And walks back into class

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