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Stiles wakes up in a death grip from Derek.

Stiles takes 5 minutes to get out of the death grip.

Stiles looks at the clock " fuck 3 am "

Stiles head is pound. Stiles wonders down Stiles to get some water. He steps outside to get some air to see if it that would help.

Stiles' vision starts becoming fuzzy. He starts to get ringing in his ears. He dropped the bottom of  water he was holding. He reached for his head and screamed in pain. But no sound came out. He calapsed unconscious.

Stiles mind was going a mile a minute.

There was a voice echoing in his head.

The voice " stop Johnathan before he becomes the true demon. "

Hours past it is now 7 am almost everyone is up.

Derek and scott hanging in the living area.

Dean " where the hell is Stiles "

Derek " he was gone when I woke up."

Sam walks outside " DEAN"

Dean runs to his little brother.

Dean " Oh my god Stiles " Dean picks stiles up who basically freezing yet Stiles unconscious.

Sam " I'll get blankets "

Bobby " I'll get water "

Dean sits Stiles on the couch right next to Derek.

Bobby hands the water to Dean
Dean pours the water over Stiles face. He didn't wake up. Dean looked to Bobby Concerned.

Dean " what happing to him"


Sam " cas"

Cas walks fast to Stiles " Someone's in his head. I can hear Stiles he terrified."

Dean " can you go in "

Cas " I can try " he try to go in " no something blocking me. But I warlock could get through."

Simon walks up behind " I'll call Magnus "

Sam " tell him to hurry "

Stiles mind

Voice " You're not gonna make it in time to stop Johnathan. So let me just tell you how to kill him."

Stiles screams " let me out , let me walk up ."

Voice " NO"

Stiles " who are you ."

Voice " I'm Megatron "

Stiles " I know that name. You're the scribe of God."

Megatron " Yes, I am, and Johnathan needs to die."

Stiles " let me out"

Back to the others

Cas " your telling me he doesn't have an anti- possession tattoo. "

Dean " No, he doesn't."

Sam " Why is it demon that in him ."

Cas " Yes, it is. It a demon. "

To Stiles

Stiles, " So you're an angel. "

Megatron " Yes I am "

Stiles " ok, tell me how to kill Johnathan. "

To the others

Simon " mangus is here "

Magnus " hello so what do I need to now before I you know."

Dean " there a demon possessing him. "

Magnus " that it "

Dean nods

Magnus " ok " activities magic

Magnus in Stiles head

Magnus is looking for Stiles
Finds him talking to the demon.

Magnus " Stiles "

Stiles head turns " Magnus "

Magnus " who you talking to"

Stiles " this is Megatron he's an angel."

Magnus gives Stiles the look.
( the look the lightwoods use. The look means drop everything and run.)

Stiles recognizes the look. And walked toward Magnus. The demon tried to reach out to stop him, but Stiles already had Magnus hand. Magnus got him and stiles out of there.

Magnus opens his eyes " Come on, Stiles."

Stiles gasped. " Magnus, what was that."

Magnus " a demon. Looked like he had you fouled. "

Stiles " he did till you gave me the look."

Magnus " Yeah, the look of drop everything and run."

Stiles " yeah, only the lightwoods, and you and Dani and clary know that look. So I knew it was you."

Derek hand on Stiles shoulder not just to calm him but to calm Stiles. Derek can hear his heartbeat. It going back to normal now.

Dean " what the demon say"

Stiles " kill Johnathan "

Sam " it told you to kill him, not trap him, kill him. "

Stiles " yeah. The demon sounded terrified when he said Johnathan name ."

Dean " your saying a demon is afraid of Johnathan. Oh God."

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