angel in trouble

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Derek rushed Stiles to the institute

He banged on the door, hoping they opened the door if they saw stiles.

Stiles was still covering his ears.

Erica is holding him cause his ears start bleeding halfway here.

Guard alerts the lightwoods

Robert is the first to arrive, but when he sees Stiles outside bleeding, he pulls the door open and gestures that whoever is with him to get in

Robert knew Derek, " Derek, what happening "

Derek said, " Not sure he was talking. Then he stopped and grabbed his ears and said he was hearing a high pitch sound. It was bad enough that it made his ears bleed. "

Robert " high pitched oh my your hearing an scream "

Robert gets stiles to medical with the wolfs behind the whole time, making sure Stiles is ok. "

As soon as Robert gets to medical, he has another shadowhunter to get Maryse.

Maryse came running right behind his alec

Maryse " What happening "

Robert " Stiles is hearing an angel scream "

Alec " Why don't we call his cousins on his dad side they specialize in this stuff,"

Maryse " ok alec you call them "

Alec walked over to Stiles and reached into his shoe, and pulled out a phone, his burner

Maryse " I don't wanna know."

Alec " good choice "

Alec dials Deans number

Dean " Hello "

Alec " Dean, my name is Alec Stiles cousin on his mom side. "

Dean " is Stiles ok"

Alec says, " Some things happening to him, he's hearing an angel scream for help. Do you know any that are missing?"

Dean " Yeah, my boyfriend, he's been missing for almost a month."

Alec , wait, Stiles said that Cass saved him and Derek from john and from the place he sent them. "

Dean "That's why Gabriel is not answering."

Alec " so Gabriel is posing as his brother "

Dean " I guess , I'm on my wait. I know how to summon Him,"

Dean arrived outside the institute

Alec let him in

Dean and sam walk in with holy oil

Sam purse the oil in a circle

They do the ritual

Dean " I summon Gabriel "


Sam " maybe use his full time Gabriel love attention "

Dean " I summon The Archangel Gabriel "

Flash of light

Gabriel looks at the holy oli

Gabe " Hello boys "

Dean " were Cas "

Gabe " What are you talking about he with you like always "

Dean " he's not with us, someone pretending to be him, Gabe."

Gabe " What of he's not missing but is looking for the angel that is in distress. Yeah, I know . But I also know that Cas wouldn't send Stiles and Derek into a fake reality without a reason. Knowing my brother, his order was to kill everyone in the house, and he couldn't kill Stiles and Derek, so he sent them someplace no one could find them. Uriel is giving the orders. You Uriel, you find Cas. "

Dean " What about the distress angel "

Gabe " Honestly, it couldn't be Cas. Uriel could be torturing him, or it could be Raphael he has gone silent more than usual. But I'm not sure Dean "

Stiles mind

Is just ringing

But Stiles can sort of make out a voice.
It is very faint, but Stiles heard it " help"

Stiles recognizes the it Cas

Eric's and Derek haven't left Stiles side .

Dani walks in to check on her brother.

Dani " Hi Derek . Hi, let me guess HOT badass werewolf. "

Erica " I'm Erica and I'm gonna guess your Stiles sister "

Dani " Yes I am."

Erica " your cute "

Derek rolls his eyes

Erica " calls me sometime" hands Dani a piece of paper with her number.

Ever tho Stiles can barely hear he know what is going on and looks away, choosing to look in Derek's direction to see if it will make him uncomfortable it does.

Stiles looks to Dani
Dani tilts her head
Stiles texts her cause he doesn't trust his voice.

Dani is reading the text " Stiles, are you sure?"

Stiles knods. "

Dani " Hey Dean "

Dean " yeah "

Dean walks over to Dani. "

Dani "Stiles heard a faint voice and identified it as Cas "

Dean " ok, so we at least know what angel is in distress. Know we're looking for Uriel."

Gabe " Hey, I wanna help save my brother, can you ket me out? "

Dean " Sam let him out "

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