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An hour before Stiles was taken by Rowena, he got a text from Melissa

The text " Don't look for me "

To Melissa

Melissa is running through the woods carrying a 7 year old child.

She stops to rest

Melissa " Are you ok what your name ."

The kid said, " Thanks for saving me. My name is Eli. Eli Hale."

Melissa " Who are your parents "

Eli " My mom is Kate Argent, and my Dad is Derek Hale."

Melissa heard a branch break

Melissa " we have to go now."

To the winchesters

Sam " Why are you holding us."

Police officer" for murder. And you will dig it up."

Sam " MURDER?"

To the institute

Maryse " KIDS"

Alarms blaring

Alec comes running in

Alec " It Johnathan. War has begun."

Izzy, " I call everyone,"

Izzy, come back, " only the pack answered. Stiles is missing. Sam and Dean are missing, too. "

Dani " were on our own "

Maryse, " I'll round up every shadowhunter .

She leaves

To Stiles

Stiles " What did you want to talk about."

Rowena " Crowley is busy and couldn't get to you, so he sent me. And I admit I had some fun. But I turn you dad back. But the winchesters have been arrested. And the war has begun."

Stiles " What did you mean the winchesters have been arrested."

Rowena, " a police officer is holding them for murder."

Stiles " bring me to Bobby. Then bring us both to Sam and Dean."

Rowena " ok"

Snaps her finger and there at Bobby's.

Stiles runs in " Bobby "

Bobby, " Hey kid,"

Stiles " the boys have been arrested "

Bobby, " I go get dressed as a lawyer. "

Stiles " hurry the war has begun. "

Bobby comes back, and they go to rowena

Bobby " first Crowley now rowena. How many powerful people do you have wrapped around your finger."

Rowena " I'm just doing a favor for Crowley, but Stiles is one of my favorite winchesters. Next to Sam. "

Snaps finger

There at the police station

Bobby goes in Stiles and rowena wait outside

Bobby, " I'm looking for Sam and Dean winchester. I'm their lawyer." Gives fake card with a fake name on it.

The receptionist " hold on " makes a call " an officer will be right with you."

The officer" hello Mr Johnson "

Bobby " Hello"

The officer leads Bobby to Dean first

The office " I'll let you talk with your client "

The officer leaves

Dean " Bobby "

Bobby " Stiles sent me the war has started they need everyone. Jonathan has become the true demon. Even Crowley is terrified."

Dean " damn "

Bobby " let this over with"

Officer walks back in

Officer " ok so-"

Bobby " I'm looking at the times and I can tell you both of them have a strong alliby."

Officer " which is "

Bobby " They were having dinner with their cousin Stiles stilinski. "

Officer " I need a number "

Bobby slides a piece of paper with stiles number on it.

The office goes to call Stiles

Bobby test Stiles to his burner phone to warn him.

Stiles answers his phone

" hello "

Officer " hello is this Stiles stilinski "

Stiles " Yes, this who's this."

Officer " this officer lang I have Sam and Dean winchester in my cell. I was just wondering if they were with you on Friday night last week. "

Stiles " Yes, there were."

The office " thanks you have a good day."

The office walks back in the room and un cuffed Dean the went to un cuff Sam.

Dean " nice idea "

Bobby " i know they believe it."

All three leave the station.

Dean and sam hug Stiles

Stiles " we have to go now."

Dean " let get our gear."

Rowena Snaps

They arrived at the impala

Dean " hey, babe, miss Miss me."

Sam grabs his stuff, and so did Dean.

Dean " kid, you may need this. "

Dean heads, Stiles a gun and a side knife.

Stiles smiles

Rowena " ok, let get your pack and get to battle."

Dean shuts the trunk and locks it

Rowena Snaps

Derek " stiles " hugs him

Stiles, " we have to go the battle started."

Allison " let go win "

They leave and head for battle

🎶 Meet us on the battlefield 🎶

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