teen years

566 20 0

Stiles is in high school, freshman of high school, and is 16 ( sorry 6 year jump)

Stiles is walking down the hallway to the counselor office cause you can guess he got in trouble.

Counselor " Hello, Mr. Stilinski, are we calling dad or your aunt or uncle? "

Stiles, " All of them are out of town they gave me this number to give you if I got in trouble."

Counselor read number " take a seat"
She calls the number

30 minutes later

Knock at door

Man , hi, I'm here to pick up Stiles. "

Counselor " your name and relationship to Stiles "

Man glares at Stiles. " I'm Alec Lightwood, his cousin. I'm 20 if you need to know "

Counselor " I did, but do you have an ID on hand?"

Alec hands her his ID

Counselor : ok, make sure you have his father punish him now get him out of my site. "

Alec " Yes ma'am "

They leave

Alec glares at Stiles

Stiles laughed. " What?"

Alec, " You had her call me cause you didn't wanna be punished."

Stiles " yeah "

Alec, " You lucky. I love you, cuz,"

Stiles " I love you too Alec " hugs

Alec , don't forget you have training tonight. "

Stiles " I won't bye "

Alec " bye "

They both leave separate ways

Later that night

Stiles goes to Scott's

Stiles seeks up to scott Windows

Scott nearly knocks him out with a bat.

Scott " What are you doing here?"

Stiles, " You were answering your phone. Why do you have a bat?"

Scott " You could have been a predator."

Stiles, " Guess what?"

Scott " what"

Stiles " some hicker found a body on the woods"

Scott " ok "

Stiles " they only found half of it"

Scott " Stiles no were not going out there "

Stiles smiles

Scott " You're gonna drag me out there, aren't you?"

Stiles, " You know me so well."

They both leave

Stiles drives to the clearing of the woods, and they get out of the jeep.

Scott " too late to turn back"

Stiles " yep "

Scott " Please tell me your armed."

Stiles " I have a dager "

Scott " me to "

They walk out into the woods

And looking for the other half

Unit the heard a roar

Stiles " I don't say this offen but we should go "

Scott, " You say that now,"

Stiles moved his flashlight around but stopped and moved back to a specific point he had it.

Stiles " Scott "

Scott turns around

They both see two red eyes coming closer to them. They took off running.

The wolf caught up to Scott and took him down.

Stiles stopped when he heard Scott scream in pain

Stiles turn around read to fight the wolf .

Stiles was toe to paw with it, but it wasn't attacking him. Why wasn't it attacking him.

That when Stiles hurt a growl come from behind him.

It is another wolf, but its eyes are electric blue . The wolf stepped in front of Stiles and growled at the other wolf.
The red eye wolf wasn't backing down, so the blue-eyed wolf attacked it.

Stiles wasn't hurt, but Scott was it was bad he could barely walk. And stiles was having trouble getting him up.

But that when the red eyed wolf came out of no were and jumped on Stiles.

The institute

Alec " were the hell is Stiles "

Jace " he probably got lost in a book "

Izzy " or fell asleep "

Dani walks in
" guy, something, really wrong"

Izzy " What is it?"

Dani " I feel pure terror like life or death situation."

Jace " Dani, that not you it Stiles your parabatai."

Alec " Oh my angel he in trouble,"

Will we make it out alive

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