2 {discovering the city}♥️

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*the next day*

{valerie's  pov}

Today me and sam got up early and we went straight into the city to see some things and do a little shopping..hehehe and now we're sitting at some little restaurant when all of the sudden sam turns her head and she starts smilling.. oh my god i know that look.... ugh i hate it when she has that look in her eyes she knows i've got my heart broken..

'Omg did you see that?'

She says while she turns to me again


'There was this cute guy.. he was starting at you!'

'Who??sam you know i don't want a boyfriend now.. Dean broke my heart remember... and i  really would like it if you sto-'

*and she interups me*

'i know i know.. but he looks cute tough... i mean you could give him a chance..'

'Sam!! I swear if you do ayn-'

'Shh! He's coming.. to our table..'

'What?!! Sam!!! Ughh! I hate you!!'

'What???? He i-'

'Sam!! I'm going to kill you if you don't shut up right now!!'

'Woww sorryy..'

{damiano's pov}

Those girl are so pretty especially the girl with the black hair and hazel green eyes...  she's so pretty..

'hii i'v never seen you two here before.. are you guys from around here or??'

'We are from the uk.. why do you ask??'

'Oo i was just wondering if you two have any plans for tonight??'

'Sorry But i'm not interested.. sam shall we go? Do you want to pay or should i??'

  ' i think i should pay val i'll be right back.. and o uhm don't stare to much you're drooling'

'Sam!!!!.. ughh sorry for my friend.. she's annoying sometimes..'

'Oo it's fine.. but you're not interested??'

'I'm sorry but i don't talk to strangers'

'Ooo but i am not a stranger.. do you know måneskin?'

'uhm yeah i do.. i really like their music why?'

'I'm the lead singer..'

'wait? You're damiano?'

'Yes that's me...uhh i think you're friend has payed by now..'

'Uhh o uhh i have to go sorry... bye..'

'Wait! Can i atleast get you're....    number....'

And she's gone..


I hope you enjoy!🩷🌸

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