9{meeting his friends}p1.

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{valerie's pov}

Soo it's almost the end of our vacation soo sam and i are at damiano's house and his friends came over today and we were just hagging out , ofcourse i already knew them but sam didn't so they all introduced them self to her and i have to say when thomas came up to her she started to blush a little.. i think she likes him hehehe...



'What's with you today???sis are you in love??'

'What?! No! Val what do you mean by that??'

'Well i know you better then everyone else andd i saw how you looked at thomas you are in love missy'

'No!.. i am not...'

'Yes you areee.. admit..'

'No!.. val can we please talk about something else??'

'Ok ok..sorry i asked.. but do you like him??'




'What??? He's outside.. smoking a sig he can't hear us..'

'Ok..maybe i do like him a little..'

'I knew it!'

'But don't tell anyone ! And i'm not going to make an exception for damiano!'


'i said no! exceptions..!'

'Ok ok..sorryy..'

*time skip* *8pm*

{valerie's pov}

'Omgsh i am so tired..'

I say while i sit next to damiano on the couch we just had an amazing dinner and vic ethan and thomas already left before that and it was such a fun day even for sam she and thomas talked the whole time and from what i saw i think thom likes her as well hehehe

'Are you babe?..'

'Yeah but i had fun today..'

'Me too.. but can i ask you something about you're friend sam?'

'Yeah sure..'

'Does she like thomas?'

'Uhhhm... i can't say other wiss she's going to kill me..'

'Oh come onn.. i won't tell him babe..'

'promise me???'

'Yeah i promise..'

'Ok well sam does like thomas but.. she doesn't know if he likes her back..'

'oo he likes her.. i am sure'

'really?? Did he tell you??'

'Yeah he did tell me liked her yes..'

'Ok.. well i will tell her that.. hehe..'


*he says while he looks straight into my eyes..gosh he makes me so nervous.. in a good way hehehe*


'are you uhm happy with me??'

'Ofcourse i am dami you make me the happiest girl in the world why do you ask?'

'nothing.. i am just going to miss you when you're back in england..'

'i know and i am going to miss you to..'

'I know but would you still be happy?..'

'Ofcourse..baby.. hey don't be sad..'

'I'm just going to miss you...'

'Aww damii..come here you..'

*i say while i take him into my arms*

'I just can't miss you babe..'

'Me neither but...'


Ok.. i am i going to say this i mean if i do then it's for real.. but what about sam.. like she loves to be home.. and.. i can't just leave her right? We're best friends... but she likes thomas so..maybe... ughhh why is everything so complicated sometimes ughhh!...

'Maybe i could move in with you?..'


*to be contiued*


Enjoy!!!🩷 see you next time😘😘😘


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