17{it's a girl}❤️

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{valerlie's point of view}

It's been one hell of a fcking night.. i didn't sleep at all because a sam kept me awake with you know what i mean and b i was in pain most of the time soo now sam has called the doctor and she just arrived and i am getting more scared by the second.. i just can't believe i am going to give birth... it really scares me...right now...

'Sam i am scared...and dami isn't even here yet..'

'He's on his way sissy.. don't worry... you can do this..'

'but i am scared..'

'It's ok.. i am here sissy.. and thom..'

'I know.. i know...'

**a couple of hours later**

{val's pov}

'She's beautiful..... i can't believe she's finally here..'

'Me niether.. babe..she's perfect just like you...'


The doctor just left and i am holding my beautiful little girl in my arms.. it was so scary.. but i did it.. and dami arrived in time so he could hold ny hand with sam... it was so perfect to have them with me.. i mean i was so scared to give birth.. but in the end it was all worth it... for her.. my little girl.. angel.. i gave her that name because my dad used to call me angel and he passed away.. 4 years ago so.. that's why and my mom well i don't talk to her anymore soo yeah... ok i am just blabing now..

'it is true babe...aww look at her she smiled..'

'Aww.. you're so cute my little angel...'

'It's a beautiful name babe...'

'Yeah i mean since my dad used to call me that..i just tought..you know..'

'Yeah you told me.. now can i uhm...'

'you wanna hold her?..ofcourse you can dami.. come lay next to me..'

**and after a while they both fell asleep**


**the next day**

{thomas his point of view}

It's the next day after valerlie gave birth to her girl.. i can't believe sams best friend is a mom now.. it make s me think about what it would be like if sam had a baby... i mean we... it would be wo cu-...

'Goodmoring thommy...'

'Hi.. did you uhm.. sleep well?..'

'Yeah i did because you were hugging me.. the whole night..'

'Ooo..uhh.. yeah uhhh...'

'it's ok.. i don't mind i-...ooo no...'

**and she gets out of bed quickly..and runs to the bathroom just in time**

'Are you ok amore??what's wrong??..'

I say while getting out of bed as well and walking towards the bathroom oh my god my babe she's sick...ooo noo...

'n-no...i feel sick..i think ate something bad..'

'Maybe... uhhh... you know...last time we...'

'Ooo shit..... no that can't be it...thomas...?'


'uhm..can you grab my bag... my tampons are in there..'

'Yeah sure there you go...'

'Thanks baby...now could you please uhm leave.. i have to uhm...'

'O-oooo.. yeah uhh i get it..ok..'

**and he leaves**

~to be contiued~



See you next time!😘😘😘

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