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**the next day** *11am*

{valerie's point of view}

i woke up next to dami this morning hihi ofcourse.. after our let's say perfect night together... he makes me feel so good..when we make love... hihi... so now i am giving angel a bottle..while dami is out with thomas and o i haven't told you yet but ethan is coming over today we're still good friends and vic is coming as well just to chill a bit... i am so happy i found better friends then sam all tough i miss her sometimes and it still hurts me somestimes i mens the fact that she talked me into things and thomas as well is just so wrong...  ok i am blabing right now...haha..

*little time skip* *ethan and vic are at their house right now*

{ethan's pov}

'Soo how have you been val..?? Dam told us what happend..'

'i've been feelling so much better edgar, since sam is out my life.. so yeah..and how have you been?'

'Yeah i am all good but miss vic over has been talking non stop about you'r daughter..'

'ooo yeah i just layed her down for a nap but i could show you some picuteres i took vic..'

'Omg! Yeah i wanna see them!'

*and the whole afternoon they talked and laughed alot but then after a while vic left because she had a date night with luna and now ethan is still there with val**

{valerlie's pov}

'Soo val.. uhm..  i wanted to talk to you about something...'

Ethan says to me while he's getting really nervous...

'Ok?what is it edgar..'

'well val since we uhm... became friends i uh... discoverd that i still had feellings for you.. and i know you love damiano.. but i just wanted to be honest with you.. if that's all right...'

Oh no....ok valerlie don't do anything stupid...

'edgar.. i uhm.. ofcourse... thanks for uhm telling me.. this because..i've had the same... it's over now tough but...you know..'

Ok now that's doing something stupid...

'yeah.. well i think i should go... i think i heard the front door..'

'yeah damiano just came home.. i bet thomas will stay with us..now so..'

'ok.. but can i tell something uhm else before i go.?'


'valerlie i've never stopped loving you...'

'Edgar you told me that already...'

'I know but...'

'But what??'

'I've been holding myself back..but i don't think i can stop myself right now... from doing what i wanted to do all day long now...'

'edgar what do you mea-...'

And before i knew it he's kissing me..


Sh!t damiano....

~to be contiued~


Enjoy!😘😘😘 see you next time!💋


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