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{valerlie's point of view} *one day later*

'And???what did he say? Sis?'

'He.. said that he still wants to be with me.. but i can't go on a plane right now.. because i am about to give birth soon..so he's planning in coming here..'

'Really???does that mean you guys are back together now????'


'What??? I mean he does look like da-'

'Don't you dare say that! Hahaha'

'haha ok i am going to wake up my boyfriend..'

'ahh you said boyfriend.. are you happy sam?'

'I am super happy.. sis..he's so sweet..'

'Ahh and oh i forgot to tell you next time don't make so much noice please'


'What??? It's not ny fault you're loud hehehe'

'That's not true!!! Stop laughing!!...'

'Hehehe no way hehehe'

'I hate you!!!'

'Love you to sammy!'


{thomas his point of view}

Me and sam are just chilling on the couch while valerlie is taking a nap because she was tired.. and now i am looking at the most beautiful girl in the world.. she's so pretty... and hot.. sexy.. fck.. i am getting horny... hope she's not going to notice... cause we have been dating for a while now... and she always knows uhmm.... you know....


'yes my love?...'

'aw you called me love that's so cute...'

'Uhh yeah i think the same...'

{A/N; if you don't know this uhmmm... i will give you a hint; eurovsion ;) }

'aww.. bu-...oooh... oh...'

'Amore what's wro-..ooo uhmm..sorryyy...'



Oh no...she saw it... fck.....

'are you??... uhmm??..'

Please don't make me say it..please don't make me sa-...

'horny?...y-yes uhmm....can we uhh talk about uhh something uhh else...please..?'

'Oh thommy.. it's ok i can uhm.. you know..'

*and she touches his troues with her hand while she leans in to kiss him*

'B-babe.. could yo-..oh fck....'

'hmm.. i like what seeing.. it's so sexy when you moan..'


'Kiss me...'

*and before he can say anything.. back he kisses her*


*a couple of minutes later* *Smut* *

{sam's poin of view}

'O-ahhh thommy..that feels s-...ahhh!...'

'fck..you're so hot..baby...'

*he moans while he's on top of her and doing you know the uh You all know what i mean ok.. loll*

's-so are you..ahh..mmhh..thommy..'


'Fff....! Love i am getting clo-..ahh!..'

'M-me too baby...me to...'

**and he kisses her** *while sam is getting closer to orgsm*

'Ah..thom-thomas.. baby i am gonna ahh.......'

**and she c*ms** *while she pulls herself closer to thomas*

'oh m-my god you look so sexy when you cum baby..'

'so are you thommy..now cm for me...'

*she says whith a big smirk on her face while he starts doing it faster*

'A-ahh.. amore..i a-.........'

**and he c*ms inside of her** {A/n ok i know maybe this a little too much soo if you wanna read the other not so dirty chapters you could skip this one :) }

'Oh my god..thommy..that...was..'


*he says while he lays next to her on the couch*

'But uhm i came inside..uhh.. are you taking birth control?...'

'ofcourse thommy don't worry.. and doing it without a condom is so much better anyways...'

*she says while she kisses him softly on his lip*

'I love you sammy..'

'I love you to thommy.. i hope we didn't wake up valerlie.. hehehe..'

'Hehehe i hope not...'


Enjoy 😉😉😉

See you next time!❤️ and oh let me know what you want of the next chapter, i would love to wirte something like this again orr maybe valerlie giving birth to her baby idk let me know in the comments!💋💋💋

Ly y'all



another love💔❤️{damiano david}Where stories live. Discover now