35{the wedding}🌹 p1.

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{flashback to yesterday} *smut*

'oh fck!!...dami...i am s-so close....your gonna make me cum s-so..mhhh...'

'm-me to baby..... i love you so much...'

*he moans while he kisses her neck and leaving hickey's all over*

'I love you...to... Mhh...dami..i am gonna c-c-....ahh....'

*she moans as she closes her eyes while grabbing the fabric of the bed sheets - while the best feeling is hitting her giving, shivers all over her body*

'Oh my god...dami..that was.. oh my....'

*she says while opening her eyes again.., trying to catch her breath*

'you look so sexy... babe... i love y-ahh...fck...valerliee......'

*and he *you know what i mean here i am not going to write this your welcome.*

'Oeh i liked that... you screamed my name..sexy..'

'i love you so much babe...'

*damiano says while he lays next to her and pulling up the bed covers*

'i love you... to...dami...'

{end of the flashback}


*back to the present*

{valerlie's pov} *10am*

It's the next day.. after the most amazing night.. ever... and today is our wedding day! Ahh!! And i am soo nevrous... i couldn't even eat breakfast this morning.. anywayss... vic just helped me pick an outfit for the party.. and now she's doing my make up... and as i look at the time on my phone my heartbeat is raising faster by the second...

'Val.. everything is going to be ok.. now stop looking at your phone..'

'but i am so nervous....what if something goes wrong??..'

'nothing is going to be..now sit still i need to do your eyeliner...'



*time skip* *7pm*

The evening has fallen over the beautiful city of rome and i am about to walk up to the altar...with thomas cause he's my best friend and he still feels like a brother to me because i am not in touch with my mom anymore..and my dad passed away when i was younger soo.. yeah..

'Please thom don't let me fall...'

'I won't val...'

*and then the music starts playing*

Right from the start
I knew that I'd found a home for my heart
Beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer
I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still
Beauty and all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath, every hour has come to this
One step closer....

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

~after the music played~

Priest; 'beautiful people.. we are gathered here today to bring this young woman and young man forever together... okay.. repeat after me.. i valerlie take you damiano...'

V:'i valerlie take you damiano...as my husband..'

D:'i damiano take you valerlie as my wife...'

V:'to love and to hold...'

D:'love and to hold..'

V:'for better..,for worse...'

D:'for better ,  for worse...'

V:'in sickness and in health...'

D:'in sickness and in health..'

V:'i promise that...'

D:'i promise that...'

Priest:'and by that i pronounce you husband and wife.. you may kiss eachother now'

'I love you so much damiano...'

'I love you so much valerlie...'

*and as they look eachother in the eyes while their filled with  happy tears  holding   Eachothers hands and    as they keep looking into to eachothers eyes the music starts to play again..and eveyrthings perfect for their moment to kiss*



Enjoy! See youu 🩷🩷🩷

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