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{flashback} *smut*

'Ah!..thomas...ahh...mhh.. fck that feels good... pl-please i w-wan-t you...'

'you want what exactly baby girl...'

'you... i can't wait any longer...'

*and he stop f!ngering her pssy.. while looking at her his eyes are full of lust..as he takes off his pant she starts kissing him again and taking  off his boxers.. without thinking about that they need to use protection*

'Please..th-thommy..ooo.. f!ck..your so big...'

'Mhh..baby girl..your so tight...ahh..fck..'

*and he starts moving in and*you know what i mean* 

'Mhh....tho-mmhh!...fck yes... gosh this feels so good please d-don't stop...thom-mmy... s-so amazing...oh my....'

*val moans while her eyes are closed, as she grabs the bed sheets ,   thomas starts moving faster  while val   Starts kissing every single part of his neck leaving purple hickey's all over...'

'Ahh..baby girl i am getting closer...ahh. You feel so good...fck.. i love you..'

'Mhh...thom-thomas i love you to..pl-ahhh...please sto-p before i-...ahh..thomaaas...'

*and then she cums all over his dick before thomas is hitting is climax*

'Oehh i like it when you scream my name..baby girl...makes me so horny...ahh..'

*and moments later he cums inside *you know what i mean*

{end of the flashback}

Soo that happend yesterday... it was the best sex i've had ever in my life but to be honest.. right now i am starting to feel so guilty and just so ughh guilty.. it's so ridiculous  just got married to the most amazing  person in the world and i slept with his best friend because i don't even know why.. like there is deffently chemestry between me and thomas but... i didn't expect this to happen at all.. he is my best friend.. it's just soo fcking stupid... all tough he did say i love you... mid fck.. but still... i mean i kind of said it back..ohh goddd i can't handle this anymore... i need to talk to thomas... i really need to know if this is real or not...

'Hey baby...'

'Hey dami..'

'are you ok? You seem upset my love.. is everything okay with you..?'

'yeah ofcourse it is dami.. i am just a little tired that's all you..know kids...and uhm oh kids..and uhm you saying your stuck here!'

'Babe how many fcking times do i have to say sorry...?! I was stressed...can't you just leave it?'

'Okayy..finee... i will  just..whatever.. it's fine i forgive you love..'

'Have i told you how amazing you are?'

'Many times yes...'

'Well i am gonna say it again..babe your amazing...i love you so much...'

'i love you to dami'


Valerlie i have said it before and i am gonna say it again ; are you  fcking stupid?!! You just got married for god sake!  can't you just choose who you wanna be with instead of cheating? Ughh ok i am done now.

*big sighhh*


Enjoy!! See youu🩷🙋🏻‍♀️

Alsoo does anynone want a part two of this story?? If so let me know in the comment section 😘cause i would be happy to do it!✌🏻


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