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{damiano's pov}

'Dami i don't know if i can... he's my best friend... i don't wanna loose him..'

'I tought so.. take your shit with you and leave..'

'damiano...please.. you have to understand..he's my best friend.....i can't do that...'

'Listen i want you out of this house today...and take the kids with you...'


'You heard me....'

'I-i can't just leave?!... damiano... we van work this out..right?...i mean....we can....wo-..'

'No! We can't! Valerie! You fcked my best friend behind my back! You think we can work things out?!'


*she says while getting out the bed and walking towards the bathroom and he gets out to and as he walks up to her she slams the door*


'No! Leave me alone..!'

'Listen...just...please open up the door...'

'No!! Leave me alone!!'

'Baby...please... i am sorry...'

'Your sorry???? Really damiano?!'

'babe... you really hurted me... okay... we just got married and you decide to fuck my best friend?!... do you even love me?!!... because i am starting to think you don't love me b-babe....'

**he says while the tears stream down his face**

'w-well.. i do love you...dami...so much..and having sex with thomas... was a huge mistake.... I felt so guilty after i did it....'

'th-then why did you do it?...'

'i guess i tought i had f-feelings for him... but then i realised it was just because of the threesome's... i was just courious...... but... it was huge huge....mistake....an-...and i would do anything to make it go away....'

*she says while unlocking the door, looking straight into damiano's brown eyes... and as they look at eachother they both realise that all of this is worth more then some hook up*

'i love you so much dami... i never wanna see thomas ever again... i promise you...from now on.. he's out of my life....'



*and he takes her into his arms hugging her while she lays her head on his chest crying really hard while he is creasing her back to calm her down*

'And i love you valerlie... so much... just promise me this is forever and no more cheating or secrets... between us...babe'

'ofcourse i promise you...'

*to be contiued*


Okay now that's good val choosing damiano instead of thomas very good but uhmm.. aren't your forgetting something...?? Maybe uhm...telling damiano something?

Oh well i guess your going to tell him this in the next chapter...

*very big sigh*


Enjoy! See y'all next time!😘✌🏻💋

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