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*a couple weeks later* *this chapter contains smut*

{valerlie's point of view}

It's a couple of weeks later and i am living with damiano.. sam and i are no longer friends because of all the drama and the threesomes...and thomas broke up with her.. it was for the best because she was bad for the both of us anyways so now we are taking care of our daughter..she has grown so much.. it's wierd like time flew away..

'Ok little prinsses let's get you to bed...'

*damiano says while he's putting her down in her crib*

'sooo now that our little girl is sleeping.. i was thinking..maybe we uhm...'

**and she kisses him** **while she's pulling him closer** **and after a couple seconds they pull back**

'babe... shall go down stairs...'

**damiano whispers in her ear**

'Good idea...dami... or we could stay here..'

'no.. let's go down stairs..babe..'


*i say with a very cheeky smile on my face*

~afte they got down stairs~ ~smut~

{valerie's pov}

as we are sitting on the couch i look at dami and as i look into his eyes i see that their full of lust... gosh he's so fcking handsome...  and as i move closer to him he grabs my hands and he pins me to the couch while he's still looking  into my eyes fck i need him...no.. i want him... and before i knew it he's on top of me kissing me... i can feel his breath against my skin.. while our kiss is getting heated.. his hands are all over my body..touching me... it gives me shivers everywere... fck my nipples are showing..trough my  t-shirt.. i should've put on a bra but i kind of forgot it..but i don't think dami cares about that..hihi...

'B-baby.....please i want.. you...'

**i moan while he's taking of my clothes..**

'Shh... patience babe...'

'fck you're such a tease...'

'Hehe.. just... enjoy this moment amore..

**The boy says to me with the biggsest smirk on his face while taking off my panties** and before i cold say something back to him he spreads.. my legs.. and my private part is showing... and as i keep looking at him his face is really close to my private part now... fck he's so good at this..

'dami w-...oooo fff...ahh...'

I moan while he puts one figner inside my p*ssy...
While i open my eyes to see him..doing the thing...

'Ahh..dami..it feels so g-good don't sto-stop....pl-...ahhh'

'you like wha i am doing baby girl?...'

*he says while he stops and starts f*nger!ng her again**

'y-yes...ahh... feel so g-.... mmhh....'

He really knows how to make me feel good...gosh i love him so much...

*after a couple of minutes* *still valerlie's pov*

'Ah-...ahhh dami you're going to make c*mm....a-ahhh..kee-...ahhh..fck...'

'Cum for me babe...'

*he says while he puts one more finger inside her P*ssy*

'ahh—...ooo right th-ahhhh..........'

*she moans a bit to loud.. while she is closing her eyes....      while she's grabbing the fabric of the couch and her body is shaking a bit* 

'O-oo my god you made me cum so good..dami..'

'Oeh i like it when you say that..babe..'

'But now.. it's my turn..dami..'

*she says with a cheeky smile on her face*

~to be contiued~


I hope you enjoy! See you next time!

Ly'yall 😘💋💋

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