36{the wedding}🌹 p2.

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*2am*  *their at a hotel somewere in rome*

{valerlie's point of view}

I am married... i still can't believe it... i married the love of my life.. and here i tought it was going to be someone else... but i choose the right person... and i never been this happy.... It just felt like after dean broke up with me i tought maybe i should just live my life and be happy on my own love isn't in it for me.. but then i meet damiano.. the most amazing person... in the whole world..and i am his wife now.... God the sky looks so beautiful...  tonight... at this hour... i am standing outside on the balcony of our hotel room.. and all the sudden someone wraps his arms around my waist... dami...

'Hi..babe what are doing up?..'

'hi.. oo i couldn't sleep... and i needed some air... did i wake you?..'

'No you didn't...babe'

'Okay... well then go back to  sleep love i will be fine..'

'no.. i wanna stay here with you...'


*she sighs while she's looking up to  the sky*

'what's on your mind..babe'

'Ooo nothing... i just.. miss my dad a little..that's all.. you know..'

'Awww... babe.. i know you miss him.. you told me...'

'yeah... it's just hard sometimes... realising that he isn't here anymore...'

'Awww..baby.. hey don't cry... shh.. it's okay..'

'I just.... Really... i wish he was here right now...'

*she says while crying..* *and he takes her into his arms creasing her back*

'Shh.. it's okay... let it all out beautiful... i'm here..'

'I just... really wanted him to be at my wedding... i always t-tought... he would be there..walking me d-down.. th-the..... fck!! I just really miss him...'

'Shh.. it's okay.. i'm here beautiful.. i know what it'sl like.. to miss someone you love... babe..'

'C-can.. we go back inside... i don't feel well... ouch!..'

'What's..what's going on babe??...'

'I don't kn-know... i think.. ouch! Out little boy wants to see the world..'

'But babe it is too early.. the doctor said ypu only had a few weeks left...'

'I-i kn-know.. can you... oh god.. i ca-fck!!! That hurts... dami.. i am scared...'

'babe.. don't be scared...  you can do this... now let's get you back inside.. and i will call the doctor ok?..'

'At two am?!! Are you crazy...?!'

'Babe now is not the time to agurge ok?...please...'

'Well i am sorry! But i am the one in pain!'

'Stop it!... just let me ca-... babe!!!!'

**and then everything turns black**


{damiano's point of view}

I am at the hosipital.. and i am about to freak out because valerlie fainted and i don't know what's going to happen... if she's going to wake up or... not.. well let's not  think about that.... ... it was so scary.. seeing her..  lying on the floor..... there was so much bl-...i can't even say it... fck!!!... i need to know if she's o-...

'Mister david??..'

'is she ok???? Is she alive???? Is the baby okay????'

*he says while looking at the nurse who just walked into the waiting room*

'Your wife is fine.. and the baby too.. she lost alot of blood.. so your wife has to stay here for a few days just so she can get stronger...'

'can i see her?????'

'Yes you can.. follow me...'

~a coulple minutes later~

'Oh god babe i was so worried!...'

*he says while walking into her hospital room*


*valerie says with a weak.. smile on her face while holding their baby boy in her arms*

'Oh my...babe he's so ... beautiful...'

'I know.. he looks just like you...dami... you wanna hold him?...'

'yeah... he has your beautiful eyes babe..'

'I know....hihi..'


Enjoy!  See you next time!😘😘😘

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