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{val's pov}

'Sam!! Why did you leave me alone with this guy?!'

'what?? I tought you liked him..'

'I d-that's not the point! He's a stranger! And you know i just had my heart broken sam'

'A stranger? Do you really want me to believe that?? And you didn't it'a been what now? A week or two sicne dean broke up with you'


'What?!! Ugh come on let's go back to our hotel..'

'but i tought we were going shopping??'

'I'm tired! Byee!!'

'Wait for me! Sam! I-'


Omgg someone's standing behind me... and as i turn around i look  straight into the mos beautiful brown eyes.. damiano david his eyes..

'you scared me! Did you follow us?!'


'So you admit it???'

'What?? no!'

'hahaha i'm just kidding.. uhhm you can stop staring now..'

'Uhh.. sorry...'

'What do you want???'

'uhm well you haven't told me you're name yet..'

'Oo.. uhm my name is valerie..'

Whyy i am i telling this.... I don't even  know him..

'beautiful name.. for a beautiful girl.. but now that i know you're name uhm can i have you're number maybe?..

'Uhm... sure... uhm could you give uhh

'my phone oh uhm sure..'

*and he gives her his phone*

'Uhh.. tha-thanks..'

I say while putting my number into his contacts
And giving him his phone back

'There you go..'

'Thanks babe.. were is you're friend???'

'I think she's at our hotel by now.. uhm i think i should go to.. it was nice meeting you again damiano....'

'..actually uh do you wanna go out tonight.. i mean i know you said that you were-'

'uhhm well okay..'


'Yeah.. uhhm what about tonight???'

'O-ooo yeah.. okay i'll pick you up at you're hotel text me the adress??'

'Sure damiano.. but i really have to go now..'



**and she leaves**


{val's pov} *8pm* *she's at the hotel*

'Sammy i can't find a good outfit.. can you help me???'

'I tought you said you didn't need my help?'

'Sam pleasee i really need you're help it's damiano david we're talking about.. he's older you know..'

'So??that shouldn't be a problem?? Just wear one of my dresses'

'One of y-well i think tha could work wich one actually?'

'The red one guys love it when a woman wears a red dress'


'Yeah.. now come on let's get you ready..'

*to be contiued*


I hope you enjoy!!🩷🌸

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