14 1 0

~Disclaimer: This is chapter is based on a true story the rest of it is made up and just fiction~

{thomas his point of view} *the nextday* *10am*

it's the next day after me sam,and valerie had a threesome and i keep thinking about the moment valerlie j*rked me off..it was so hot..she was hot.... i mean the first time i saw her...she was so pretty...but sam was also very sexy..i mean her red hair matches so well with her beautiful blue eyes...and her body... all perfect..but valerlie..val...she's so pretty if she wasn't with dami..i would love to have her as my girlfriend...but... i can't do that... ughh it's so hard to like someone who you just can't have... but on the other hand sam is just so sexy... ughhh stupid toughts...

'goodmorning thom... did you sleep well? love'

'yeah i did you?..'

'yeah i did.. i had a dream about last night... it was so hot.. and horny..'

'It was amore..but are you sure val was ok with it??.. because she seemed pretty upset when we left..'

'ooo yeah ofcourse i've known her since kinder garden ofcourse she's ok with it..thommy..'

'well ok...'

'i would love to do it again sometime you know..'

'What??? But i tought you told val it was only one time?'

'ofcourse but maybe sometime again?.. i mean would you??..'

'do it???.. uhmm i am not sure...amore i mean.. she's you're best friend..'

'yeah she is but i mean it was so hot when you two made out like that...'

'yeah but could we please talk about something else amore?..'

'ooo yeah sure..'

'Ok.. uhm shall i make us some breakfast?..'

'yeah that would be lovely thommy..'


*time skip*  *12pm*

{valerlie's point of view}

i am just chilling on the couch while angel is laying in my chest sleeping..she's so cute.. i still can't believe that i am a mom now.. it feels so unreal sometimes... but this morning me and dami made up cause of yesterdays fight... and i promised i wouldn't do it again..and i don't want to do it so..ok.. let's put this little prinsess down for a nap in her crib..aww she is so cute!!...my baby girl...

*after she put angel down for a nap*

I just came down stairs when i hear my phone buzzing on the side table..

*sam added you to the groupchat; 3some<3 ;)*

Val: 'uhhmm what is this???sam??'

Sam; 'uhm a groupchat dummy.. so we can talk d!rty hehehe'

Val; 'sam! I tought you said this was a one time thing! And you even promised me!'

Sam; 'i know i know but last night was so hot... don't you wanna do it again??'

Val;'no..sam i don't want to do it again..'

Thomas;'yeah amore we shouldn't do this..'

Sam;'thom i tought you said something different to me before..'

Thomas;'well.. yeah maybe i did...sorryy....'

Val; 'just so you know i told dami everything..and i am not doing this again! Ever!'

**valerlie just left the chat**

~to be conituedd~


Enjoyy see you next time!🩷

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