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{valerie's nightmare}

'Dean.. we can't be together i told you...'

'oh come on little girl..i know you miss me..your eyes never lie..'

'Dean please can i go?? I nee-...'

'no your not going anywere valeire..'


{end of the night mare}

{damiano's pov} *4am* *in the morning*


it's 4am and i am waking up next t valerlie screaming.. we made up.. yesterday night.. she came by well she stayed but you know... ok soo we talked about everything that happend.. we cried.. and after all the talking.. we uhm.. you know...

'wow..babe... hey what's wrong??...'

i say to while getting really worried because she's crying... i hate it when she cries..it makes me feel so sad...

'i-i dreamed about dean.. it was..so sca-ry...'

'oo baby..come here.. beauty...shh..it's ok...'

*he says while taking her into his arma creasing her back trying to calm her down because she's shaking*

'i-it..it.. was soo scary...it was s-so....'

'Baby.. look at me...can you please stop shaking you starting to scare me...'

'i-i..i can't bre-breath..i can't....'

**she says while she keeps on crying..**

'shh..hey listen to my voice.. baby i am here..it's ok it was just a bad dream.. It's over now i am here...shhh...'

'I am so sorry...'

'don't say that...sweetie.. everyone has bad dreams sometimes... now shall we go back to sleep?..cause you look sleepy..'


*and after some time she falls a sleep in his arms her head is laying on his chest... knowing that she's safe*


*the next morning*

{damiano's point of view}

It's the next morning and i wake up with valerie still sleeping in my arms.. aw she's so cute.. i am so happy that were back together now, because when we weren't together it didn't feel right.... at all..

'goodmorning beautiful..'


'how are you feeling babe?..'

'i feel so much better...dami..'

'good..now i will go take care of angel... ok.. so you can have a nice warm shower..and after that we're going somewere..'


'it's a surprise baby... i am not going to say anything..'

'but i wanna know....'

'Hehehe.. i am not saying an-..'

'Ok... ok....finee...'

'good..now could you...pl-...ooo...'

**and she starts kissing him**

'Yeah.. i was just thinking maybe we could..uhm you know..make love...'

'Oeh i like the way you think baby...'

'Hehe i knew it...'

~you all know what's going to happen now~



See you next time.😘😘😘

Love you all 💛

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