34{the day before the wedding}❤️

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it's the day before my wedding and i never been this nervous in my intire life... fck!!! Ok.. val take a deep breath.. vic will be here in a couple of hours and then everything will be fine.. i hope cause she's going to help me with my outfit for the party.. and she's going to do my make up.. tomorrow... ughh!!! Ok valerlie deep..deep breathe.. ok.. i am sort of ok now... godd were is vic??? Ughh!!!... stupid pregancy hormons....


'Wow! Oh my god!... sorry.. jesus you scared me dami...'

'Are you ok?? You seem a little stressed babe..'

'i am very stressed... and scared.. and..and... i feel like i can't breathe...i ca-can't arghh!!!...'

'Babe...hey amore...i am here... hey.. look at me..'

'get away from me!!....'

'Wow babe your starting to scare me what's going on...'

'Everything...everything is just...i can't beathe... ica-....d-dami....'

***and then everything turns black***



{damiano's point of view}

I am sitting in the couch waiting for valerlie to come down stairs.. she woke up.. after a couple of minutes.. but it felt like hours.. and she just took a nap because she was tired and still a bit weak.. anyways i called the doctor just to make sure she's ok.. it was so scary... and i was so worried.. luckily everythings ok with her now.. and with our little one..


'hey.. babe how are you feeling..'

'much better... now that i took a nap..'

'that's good babe but.. i called vic she's comimg tonight instead of the afternoon.. ok?'

'yeah that's fine love..'


'Dami what's wrong??..love'

'I-i-...feel so guilty...... about everything i mean i made you rush everything with the wedding and.... I feel so bad about the fight we had..and that i said maybe we shouldn' be together anymore an-....i am soo sorry...babe....'

**he says while he's crying really hard**

'Dami.. my love... don't say that..hey come here..'

*and she sits next to him on the couch and takes him into her arms creasing his back to calm him down*

'shh... dami it's not your fault... you hear me? None of those things is your fault...ok? I just had a panic attack..that's all... and i am fine now...shh..love please stop crying before i start crying dami..'

'I-i-...i am soo sorry..babe... i feel s-so stupid...

'Stop saying that... as i said none of this is your fault my love... dami look at me.. i love you so fcking much.. i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.. once we're married ofcourse but... when we meet.. i knew you were the right person for me love... cause you are the most perfect.. kind.. humble and the most greastest person.. i've ever meet in my life love.... Because when i got my heart broken i tough t i would never find love again... but you gave me back...my happiness and for that i will always be greatfull...'

'oh my god.. baby...that's the sweetest thing...i love you so so so much baby..... that's so sweet...'

*and they look eachother in the eyes.. for a while..they can hear eachother breathing.. and as they stare in eachothers eyes their head are getting closer..and before the both of them can say anything.. they kiss eachother*

'Mhh.. dami...we shou-...'

'Shhh... baby... kiss me...'

'Mmhh... dami...please...the curt-...'

'Let's go upstairs then...'

'But angel is sleeping...in the nursing room next to our bedroom.. remember..?'

*she says while pulling out of the kiss*

'i know.. but...'

'Ok... but if she wa-...'

'Yeah yeah..your going to kill me.. i know..'


'Hehehe sorryy..babe..'


Okayy uhm well enjoy! And see you next time!🙈


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